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    Common Management Challenges (702 words)

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    Managers have to deal with all kinds of problems all day.

    They deal with all the problems of a business. If managers keep the problems of the business to themselves the problems may never be solved. When managers are having problems with their personnel they should stop and think whether it is something in their own conduct or attitude, which is causing the problem. It is hard not to bring a person’s personal life into the business world but sometimes it happens. If outside of the job you are having problems and are very down because of it chances are you a portraying a negative vibe through out the work place. If this is the case you have to get a grip and put you personal life on hold and help the business by lightening up the atmosphere.

    If you are not the problem and other employees are having problems a manager should use empathy to help resolve the problem. If the problem takes on a larger scale a meeting should be held to discuss the problem or problems and come up with a well thought out resolution. Industrial organizations are not fully independent bodies, they do not exist solely for the employees of whom they consist. The managers are selected by people other than the workers, and have to report directly to managers at higher levels.

    However, that authority denies a worker, freedom to express their personality, and creates a dry atmosphere causing the employees to be actively unhappy as human being. It holds back productivity and results in the misuse of authority, and leads naturally to the self-destruction of the company itself. Its hardly likely that top management will always make the right decision. Therefore, one-sided democratic exercise of its power and leaders of company may create and bring about policies that are not right for the company. The development of any organization requires all of voices of the business to listen openly and selflessly.

    The voices of the individuals will bring about the right policy for a given situation. This form of management were all the voices of the business are heard based on information that managers and their subordinates alike listen to the voices humbly and back up the decision with confidence. Teamwork Essay the most important part of the business it is the backbone for a stable well planned business policy or resolution. Meetings between managers and personnel are one creative management idea.

    The role of the leader in this kind of meeting is, to the organizing the available information and conducting of the meeting in such a way that each member will be able to speak out freely and the team as a hole will arrive at the right conclusions. If the team fails to produce a unanimous decision the decision will be based on a majority vote. There are two different team meetings. One meeting is held for the purpose of clearly indicating the goals that should be kept in mind by particular group.

    The group modifies and revises goals, exchanges information, disuses methods to be used establishing contracts the they once again review the final results this type of meeting is held ever month. The second teem meeting focuses on long-range goals, and methods of implementing them. Here performance, productivity, and plans for future growth are discussed. This type of meeting takes place every six months. Each department manager or team leader becomes familiar with other functions and groups, learns from hearing their work revised, and participates in policymaking. They learn the significance of his departments activities in relation to the whole company.

    They discuss policy making ideas, review appraisals, and set goals. Teams dont function on order from above, rather it functions on its own ideas. The same thing can be said about the individuals who make team, and revise goals that are also handled by team. In other words they work as a unit.

    A manager should hold himself as a person of power who is still an equal of his work force. The job of the manager is not to order people around and push his ideas. A manager’s job is to keep the work force unified and keep it working .

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Common Management Challenges (702 words). (2019, Feb 26). Retrieved from

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