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    Talking About DACA: The Question is if DACA People Should Send Back to Their Countries

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    President Trump announced in September 2017 that he was ending the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, known by as DACA. There are many guidelines for and against this Action. This article deliberates about the question if DACA people should send back to their countries and reflects that there are more topics in favor of them remaining in U.S soil.

    DACA is the acronym from Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals. This Action, created in 2012 by President Barack Obama. It is an immigration policy that allows immigrants who were brought to the United States illegally as children and meet a number of requirements, like to be enroll and attending an American school or doesn’t have criminal records, to receive a special permission to stay in USA for two years ( renewable for more years ) and have a work permit. Although DACA was created somehow in a short time, there are some researches about the subject, in part because it is a controversial, political topic, especially nowadays when it is back to the fore. In September 2017, President Donald Trump announced that he was ending DACA, and this did return the talk about immigration’s regulation.

    According to the study made by the Immigrant Legal Resource Center, the end of DACA can be a major loss of money to America. In the study, ILRC show that Social Security and the Health System through Medicare could lose something about almost forty billions if DACA does not exist anymore. In addition, the study show even more. ILRC demonstrate that DACA’s beneficiaries have their salaries increased in forty-two percent, and that represents in every capitalist country more tax revenue. More tax revenue is equal more benefits for everyone, especially for citizens. Beyond that, another study made by the Cato Institute asserts that the federal government would spend the approximate amount of sixty billions trying to remove all DACA beneficiaries from the country. Not to mention that this action is almost impossible since many would prefer to become an illegal immigrant than to be sent back to a country that they do not even remember or consider as their home.

    Another study published on the Journal on Migration and Human Security by The Center for Migration Studies found some very strong points in favor for DACA beneficiaries. For example, eighty-nine percent of the DACA-eligible are already employed, and inside this population, nineteen percent works in important areas like management. In addition, ninety-three percent have at least a high school degree, forty-three percent have attended college or already have a diploma and ninety-one percent speaks English in a satisfactory or exclusively way.

    In contrary of those studies, there are a few thoughts against DACA. For example, the Republican Congressman of Virginia, Bob Goodlatte reassure that DACA is just an action that increases the illegal immigration. He said that DACA “encouraged more illegal immigration and contributed to the surge of unaccompanied minors and families seeking to enter the U.S. illegally.” According to the Department of Health and Human Services, around an average of over 50,000 of unaccompanied immigrant children are caught crossing the US-Mexico border annually. The PhD Karl Eschbach, made a declaration saying that DACA would increase the undocumented population because those who don’t qualify for DACA or those who DACA expired and do not have chance to renew, will prefer to stay illegal maintaining hope to change this situation in the future when they would qualify eventually, in a different program. Other important topic, and the best supported is based on the legality of the action. All DACA opponents say the same: President Obama imposed DACA without pass to Congress, and this is illegal. In addition, they insist that do not matter if the Dreamers, how they call DACA beneficiaries, were children when they were brought to U.S., they still are people who broke the law, and they do not deserve to take advantage from American benefits. Those topics against DACA do not based on numbers. That is why they are weaker than all good supported topics in favor of the Dreamers.

    This article shows that all studies made in support of DACA are well based in numbers and statistics. They reassure that, give the Dreamers a legality life, benefits not just them but all American citizens. They qualify with good education. More than a half of them have high school degree or college diploma. They got high rate jobs with good salaries. They pay taxes and this returns to America. There is no research showing that this program would increase the entry of illegal immigrants in the U.S. soil neither a study showing that these kind of immigrant took jobs from American citizens. All these theories against DACA are political. It is the war of the republican against democrat parties, that almost all times is blind to everything good their opponents have or everything bad their allies have too.

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    Talking About DACA: The Question is if DACA People Should Send Back to Their Countries. (2022, Jan 27). Retrieved from

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