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    Symptoms And Symptoms Of A Concussion examples Essay

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    Introduction There is no exact definition of a concussion because it can be somewhat a matter of opinion. Different professions could create a definition of a concussion based on how they view the concussion. However, through all of the different definitions given, all share common characteristics about the definition of a concussion. Because of these similarities between the definitions of a concussion, a concussion can be defined as a trauma affecting the head or body resulting in neurologic deficits or symptoms. Concussions typically occur from a hit to the head and can create many symptoms in the body (Edwards & Bodle 2014) Concussions can create many symptoms, and they vary from person to person.

    The most common symptoms of a concussion include: headache, nausea, dizziness, poor balance, sensitivity to the senses, memory problems, and fatigue. Concussions can also create symptoms that occur over longer periods of time, such as depression, irritability, or trouble sleeping. Because these symptoms can become more severe over time, athletes should be removed from play after receiving a concussion. Additionally, athletes should be removed from play after a concussion because it is believed that having more than one concussion results in cumulative effects on the brain. Because concussions damage the brain, it is important to try to prevent them. Changes to rules in sports, as well as improved technology, have been enforced to help prevent concussions.

    Historical Aspects Concussions were not a relevant in football until the mid 1990s. Before this time, if an athlete received a big, it was just considered that “he got his bell rung. It was not until 1994 that the NFL Commissioner created the Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Committ. .ess. Early symptoms seem to resolve within a few hours of the concussion.

    Later symptoms of concussions occur days to weeks after the concussion. Late symptoms include: persistent headache, sleep disturbance, poor concentration, difficulty with memory, irritability, personality changes, and depression. These late stage symptoms typically resolve in a week, but may last months or even forever. Although uncommon, second impact syndrome (SIS) can be a fatal short-term effect of a concussion. SIS occurs when an athlete suffers repeated concussions in a short time-frame. SIS can be fatal because the brain takes a few weeks to completely heal from a concussion, so if an athlete receives another hit towards the brain before it has healed, it could result in death.

    This is why it is important for athletes to be removed from play following a concussion (Edwards & Bodle 2014).

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Symptoms And Symptoms Of A Concussion examples Essay. (2019, Feb 14). Retrieved from

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