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    Sun poisoning Essay (402 words)

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    Sun poisoning affects 10 percent of women and three percent of men in the general population. Sun poisoning is a reaction to overexposure to the sun in areas of the skin most exposed to sunlight. Sun poisoning is a pimply, itchy eruption, which comes despite dark complexion or sunscreen protection. It is an allergy to the long waves of ultraviolet light (UVA), which ordinary sunscreens don’t block, regardless of how high their SPF number is.

    Sunburn results when the amount of exposure to the sun or other ultraviolet light source exceeds the ability of the body’s protective pigment, melanin, to protect the skin. The pain is worst between 6 and 48 hours after sun exposure. Too much over exposure to the sun increases your risk of skin cancer. Yet millions of people every year suffer sunburns that kill off healthy skin cells and injure blood vessels close to the skin’s surface. Anyone who experiences one or more blistering sunburns in a lifetime doubles his or her chances of melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer that kills nearly 7,000 Americans every year. Red skin rash, sometimes with small blisters, in areas exposed to sunlight.

    Chills, fever/ nausea, and sometimes even, vomiting. Swelling, itching, and burning of the skin. Sun poisoning is most likely to occur during hot seasons when ultraviolet light is the strongest. It is triggered by exposure to the sun, usually in conjunction with sunburn. It is especially likely to occur in children who take medications that cause photosensitivity (increased sensitivity to ultraviolet light). The most common drugs include tetracycline antibiotics, thiazide diuretics, sulfa drugs, and oral contraceptives.

    Some cosmetics, including lipstick, perfume, and some soaps can also cause a photosensitive reaction in a child as well. Sun poisoning can also be caused by use of products containing retinol, vitamin A, or antibiotics. Metabolic disorders, such as diabetes mellitus or thyroid disease. PREVENTING COMPLICATIONS OR RECURRENCEIf there is a history of sun poisoning, stay out of the sun when possible.

    Use a sunscreen product that contains Parsol 1789 and says UVA. Or physical sunscreens containing titanium dioxide. An antihistamine like chlortrimeton 4 mg or diphenhydramine 25 can help as well.Stay out of the sun during the hours of strongest ultraviolet light (10am-2pm).If not possible to stay out of the sun, wear protective clothing and the most protective sun-screen preparation available.To prevent a recurrence of symptoms, use Chloroquine prior to sun exposure.Bibliography:

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Sun poisoning Essay (402 words). (2019, Jan 07). Retrieved from

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