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    Summary of Behavioral Genetics Essay

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    Behavioral GeneticsBehavioral Genetics is a new field of study. The purpose of Behavioral Genetics is to investigate the affects of genetics and environment on individual human behavior. Behavioral Genetics is a quite complex field of study and the path towards the understanding the relation of genetics and environment to individual human behavior is a long and difficult one.

    There are instances that support the theory that behavior has a biological basis. Behavior is often reproduced in consecutive generations of a species. Drugs that chemically alter the brain have been shown to also alter the behavior of an individual; furthermore, behaviors such as mental illness have been known to run in families. Many studies have shown many different things. In fact, Behavioral Genetics is studied in many different fashions. In the traditional fashion, a researcher might use a set of twins to conduct an observation in which the biological and environmental effects are determined and sorted through.

    In a more complex nature, the presence of the 21st chromosome is associated with mental retardation; however, the brain processes that affect it are not clear yet. Many researchers have determined that genetics are the cause for many physical behaviors. A growing concentration on genes and behavior has many more considering the belief that genetics is a great factor in determining human behavior. Yet, there are many problems in simply using a blanket correlation between genome and behavior. It is extremely difficult to completely identify all other possible causes for a certain condition and prove that it is caused solely by genetics. Genes do affect behavior; however, not single genes.

    Behaviors are compound and involve multiple genes among many other factors. Genetics are just partly what affects behaviors. Behavior is a complex trait and is affected by both genetic and environmental factors. Though the presence of certain genetic factors may increase or decrease the effects of others, the genetic and environmental factors involving the individual interact with each other. .

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    Summary of Behavioral Genetics Essay. (2019, Feb 17). Retrieved from

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