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    Success Without Degree, Possible

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    After two years at Harvard, Bill Gates left his studies to start his own company. Today he owns Microsoft and is nothing less than the second richest man in the world. Richard Branson, billionaire founder of the record label Virgin Records, never attended college. In 2004, Mark Zuckerberg left school to found the most famous social network in the world, in 2012 Facebook debuted on the stock market and it is estimated that the company is worth more than 200 billion dollars. These examples make you want to save your college money and start a business, or quit your job and be our own boss.

    Once you enter college you start living a new world. This is a completely different stage from all the previous ones, in which at the beginning you will surely feel lost, but that you will learn to love with time.Regarding high school, there are many differences. The most important one is that you will have more freedom, but at the same time more responsibilities and therefore you will be treated as an adult. You will no longer have a teacher who can assist you in exclusivity or encourage you to study more, from now on, studying will be purely and exclusively your responsibility. Although you should dedicate more hours to the study than before, you should know that you will also earn in hours of social events because college also implies a very active cultural life. Within the Campus you can find various activities proposed by your study center, which are intended to be academic instances but also for socialization among students. In addition, it is common to find groups of arts, sports or cultural practices of any kind that generate their own activities and meetings.

    The change can be very shocking at the beginning, because the dimensions of the high school campus compared to college are massive and have many differences, but also because when you enter college and make that transition you will have to make new friends and socialize in a sea of ​​strangers. It may seem overwhelming, but in reality it is not as bad as it seems.

    It is essential to learn to enjoy this stage and to break the ice to integrate yourself in all the activities you can, to find groups of peers with whom you identify, to attend the Campus with assiduity and not to miss classes because that is where you will create your greatest opportunities for interaction with other classmates. You are in college to fulfill your dream and achieve your professional goals, do not let shame win you and encourage change, you will see that it brings you only unforgettable experiences and friendships that will walk by your side in one of the most important stages of your life.

    Being successful without having a university degree is not impossible, but not all people have the resources, the vision and the talent to start a business and make it prosper. However, the work environment is not easy for professionals, who face few job opportunities and low salaries because they do not have experience, maybe that is why many young people wonder if it really is worth going to college. For many, the idea of having a business of their own is much more attractive than investing time and money in education but, are they right? La educación es un impulso extraordinario para quienes desean progresar y aprender, y quizá en el camino descubran si realmente disfrutan de ello o si preferirian la vida laboral tradicional. Es importante saber que la licenciatura no es la única opción. La oferta académica es amplia: puedes elegir una carrera vocacional para aprender habilidades específicas o hasta complementar tu licenciatura con una masters para adquirir diferentes competencias.

    A new beginning, going to college. One more year with new lessons, experiences and anecdotes. One more year the question hovers, what is college for? Well, college is good for something and also for nothing. Spending a few years in the University is good for something, mainly to obtain a degree that guarantees the exercise of a certain profession. There are different ways to deal with this use of college. Some settle in the field of comfort and boredom, and others in the field of effort and dedication. Today, it is well known that you can get a university degree too easily, with more hours of bar than class, with more photocopies than with your own notes, with more memorization than understanding, with more visits to google than to library. In this case, which is really comfortable and absolutely boring, the university is confused with an obstacle race.

    There are also ways to use college that are bathed in effort and dedication, restlessness and joy. Only those who embark on this use, know that higher education is the discovery of something new every day that passes. Some, strategists, have used the university to obtain a degree, others have made it their own and will use it for life. Spending a few years in college is also good for nothing, at least not at all with what to get a salary at the end of the month. I mean to live through University, that although it does not seem useful is tremendously beneficial because it conditions the life that comes afterwards.

    Here, too, there are different paths that can be traveled. Indeed, there are students who choose the path of the good life. College becomes an ideal excuse to attend from time to time, for fun and cheap jokes, for a party after another, and if it falls on a trip in which to spend a week in a seedy hotel with everything paid, because that seems incredible. They do not care to get half an hour later to class, to underline the books that are not theirs, to enter the offices of their professors without permission and to give their opinions before knowing the truth.

    Others, on the other hand, know that the college that apparently does not serve at all, serves much. They know that in college they will be able to obtain a degree, yes, but they also know that they are offered a golden opportunity to learn to be people who have university studies. They know that college is a privileged place to take those ethical habits that will allow them to know how to live up to the times, both in the profession and in personal life. The student who practices the habit of punctuality will realize the importance of respecting the other, if the student practices the habit of silence he will understand how useful it is to think from time to time, if the student knows how to be in the library he will admire the legacy of others.

    You will taste the sense of the community, and you will not even think about smearing the books with fluorescent colors, if you practice the habit of listening you will see how the number of times you screw up is reduced because you will learn that before you think you should know. If the student works with classmates, which is different from dividing up the work, they will savor the value of friendship, of that which goes beyond university years. In short, you will know that it is of little use to have a degree if there are no signs of having lived the college experience. Success without degree, possible. Success with degree, probable.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Success Without Degree, Possible. (2021, Jul 30). Retrieved from

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