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    Student Shock Essay (589 words)

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    Purpose: To discuss other causes of “Student Shock” and the best way to overcome it. Thesis: Students experiencing intense shock and they don’t know what to do. How to Overcome “Student Shock”People say that the college years should be the best ones. If so, why are so many college students miserable? These days more students than ever are experiencing intense emotional problems; some even commit suicide. From John Kellmayer “Students in Shock,” he explains what is causing the misery and reveals how schools are trying to help. What is “Student Shock?” Student shock is something that affects many beginning college students, making them feel lonely, anxious, and depressed.

    Some reasons for “Student Shock” is the fact that many first-year students are unprepared, leaving the secure world for an insecure one, and intense pressure on students. First sign of “Student Shock” is first year students who are not prepared for the real world. Some high schools do not equip students for the difficult academic work they will face in college. Freshman orientation programs give students advice on practical matters but fail to counsel them about the right classes to take or the emotional problems of the first year. The second sign of “Student Shock” is the shock of leaving a secure world for an insecure one. High school seniors are “old hands,” big fish in a small pond.

    But the following September they become the youngest, newest students all over again. In addition, freshmen leave the security of home for the insecurity of dorm life. Without the parents to handle problems and offer comfort, many students go into an emotional slump of homesickness. The other thing is making new friends that were strangers to you before. They must make the right decision on making the right friend he/she can trust. The final sign of “Student Shock” is the intense pressure on students.

    More students than ever come from broken homes that may not provide a strong base of parental stability and concern to fall back on. Money pressure is stronger than ever. Financial aide to pay back all money borrowed from the school. Students know their parents must sacrifice to pay rising college costs, so the fear of doing poorly and disappointing their parents is intense.

    Also intense pressure for keeping their grades up and not to fall out. The best way to overcome “Student Shock” for the first sign, which was unprepared for college, is to get prepared by taking summer classes such as English, Math, and Science at a community college to get the feel of college, also to be prepared for the entrance exam. For the second sign, leaving a secure world for an insecure one, is to make decisions for your own self and not from what other people think but what you think. For the final sign, intense pressure, is to find a way you can calm down and find others around you to help, be it psychological support, professional essay writing help or anything you need. In conclusion, to overcome the symptoms of “Student Shock,” he or she must be committed in what they are going to do.

    To walk in a straight path and not get distracted from things around them. The most important thing is not to fall back and get behind because worst will come before you know it.Bibliography:Purpose: To discuss other causes of “Student Shock” and the best way to overcome it.Thesis: Students experiencing intense shock and they don’t know what to do.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Student Shock Essay (589 words). (2019, Feb 07). Retrieved from

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