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    The Story Of An Hour Essay (329 words)

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    The use of irony makes stories enjoyable to read. Stories with irony keeps readers interested and in suspense. The use of irony Kate Chopin uses in the short story The Story of an Hour keeps readers attached to the story and lets readers understand Mrs. Mallards true feelings about her husband.

    The way Mrs. Mallard expresses her emotions towards her husband makes the story likable. Her character traits and the way Chopin puts the ironic twist into the story keeps you interested. What I liked about the story was how Chopin used irony to inform readers of Brently Mallards false death. Her use of irony kept me in suspense throughout the story and shocked me at the end where I learned that Brently Mallard was still alive. The reason Chopin informs readers of his false death is to let readers know how Mrs.

    Mallard feels towards her husband. She did not hear the story as most women would have. Instead, she did not feel pity or agony for her husband. Once Brently supposedly dies, Mrs. Mallard is now looking forward to the future.

    What I also liked was how Chopin used good details when she describes Mrs. Mallard. She describes her as being young, with a fair, calm face, whose lines bespoke repression and even a certain strength. You can easily paint a picture of Mrs.

    Mallards face with Chopins details. It makes the story a lot easier to read and it keeps you interested. The 3rd thing I liked about this story was how Chopin ended the story with Mrs. Mallards death.

    Once Brently walked through the door, Mrs. Mallards life collapsed. All of her hopes and dreams for the future had disappeared. Once Mrs. Mallard saw Brently, she died. She had been so happy with his death that it killed her to see him again.

    As you can see, the use of irony, the details, and all of the suspense makes this story enjoyable to read.Bibliography:

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    The Story Of An Hour Essay (329 words). (2019, Feb 05). Retrieved from

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