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    Stereotypes about Homelessness in America in Dumpster Diving by Lars Eighner Essay

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    Stereotypes about Homelessness in America in Dumpster Diving by Lars EighnerLars Eighner’s short essay, “Dumpster Diving,” reveals the stereotypes about homelessness in America. In order to confirm these known stereotypes about American culture, Eighner includes autobiographical accounts of the economically inferior class, as well as revealing his elitist rules that governs the life of a homeless person. According to Eighner, homeless people fall into the following categories, ‘can scroungers’, ‘Dumpster divers’, and ‘scavengers. ‘ (Eighner, 1993).

    In addition, Eighner’s blatant demonstration of his superiority to the people he scavenges from reveals his true character of snobbery. Although Eighner reveals that his chosen lifestyle was to live on another’s refuge, he kept in accordance with his acts of superiority and snobbishness by excluding himself from the term “Dumpster Diving. ” Instead, he preferred to be called a “scavenger because of its frankness in the term. ” (Eighner, 1993). Furthermore, Eighner, explains that there are rules to abide by when successfully “scavenging” through dumpsters, “using the senses…knowing the dumpsters of a given area…. and Why was this discarded?” It is the explanation of the three guidelines Eighner asserts to be superior to ‘can scroungers’ (Homeless people who rummage through the dumpsters for money).

    The author further elaborates his snobbishness by revealing that he has tried the heinous lifestyle of “can scroungers,” and deduced that only a few dollars could be obtained. Moreover, Eighner states, “one can extract the necessities of life from the dumpsters directly with far less effort than would be required to accumulate the equivalent of cans. ” (Eighner, 1993). The author stereoty. .

    ghner, 1993). It is the authors belief that consumers are aware of their consumption, as well as realize how wasteful they are with food in general For the students who do not fit into Eighner’s wasteful category, he presents a grouping of frugal consumers who, “carefully wrap up even the smallest leftovers and shove it into the back of the refrigerator for six months or so before discarding it” (Eighner, 1993). Through the essay, “Dumpster Diving,” Eighner impresses his superiority by illustrating disinterested people and their lack to complete certain tasks the author is skillful at. His disdain and impudence of students…Eighner’s autobiographical essay not only shows the degradation homeless people indure, but his personal snobbery of those around himWorks CitedEighner, Lars.

    Dumpster Diving.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Stereotypes about Homelessness in America in Dumpster Diving by Lars Eighner Essay. (2019, Feb 19). Retrieved from

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