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    Star Wars Informative Speech Essay

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    Though that was supposed to be the end in 2008 the animated film Star Wars: The clone wars roused 35 million 20 thousand 908 dollars. That brings the total star wars film series to 4 billion 550 million 450 thousand 8 dollars. In 2005 gorges Magazine stated that the star wars franchise had grossed over ASS billion and growing, that number is believed to be closer to $27 billion now. That number is a far stretch from $4. 5 billion right? Well the Star wars franchise includes much more than just the 6 movies box Office totals.

    The video and DVD sales are about 53 billion 775 million as said by statistic brain. This includes all DVD’s and movies from all 6 movies and Star wars the clone wars. The video game sales grossed $2. 9 billion. These games range from the oldest super Nintendo games to the newer Palpitation and Oxbow games. The book sales have grossed $1. 82 billion. This is an example of just 1 of the 23 books my boyfriend alone has, all together there are over 100 books written.

    The toy sales have grossed 12 billion this includes all collectibles, action figures, and toys such as puzzles, Logos, coloring books, or bobble heads that talk. The last bit is considered “other” which includes licensing, television shows, and merchandise grossed apex. SSL 304 billion to date, Merchandise includes Fez despiser, posters, and any other Star Wars affiliated product. Now let’s discuss the creator George Lulus and the producer of the movies 20th Century Fox. George Lulus’ net worth is believed to be between $3. And 6 billion and growing He wrote every movie and through negotiation kept all rights to the movies and all affiliates so to this day continues to get profits from all Star Wars licensed products. 20th century fox grossed apex. $2 billion 730 million 270 thousand 5 dollars from producing all of the movies. Originally around 1975 When they were approached by Lulus to produce the ivies they were reluctant because they didn’t know if the world was ready for a major science fiction movie Of this type.

    It was the best risk they ever took. NOW you can see that Star Wars has been the most influential franchise in history. Almost everywhere you look there is something Star Wars. The simple fact that have never seen any of the movies and I knew most of the characters and even some quotes before this speech show its influence. This franchise has not only monetarily profited many, but has shaped the views and lives of pretty much every member of the last three generations.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Star Wars Informative Speech Essay. (2018, May 20). Retrieved from

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