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    Morris Gleitzman – Boy Overboard Essay

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    The characters of Jam and Bibb give the reader much greater understanding thin the story as when they were smuggled in the boat trying to get to Australia. Jam and Bibb struggle to survive on the boat whilst meeting different characters within the journey, They are influenced in many ways which brings a different perspective and understanding to the readers eyes through the cruelty of the Afghanistan government. This is shown on page 130, ‘For the Millionth time since we set sail, i remind myself why were doing this. Freezing on a hard deck all night, Roasting all day.

    Watching poor little children and old people suffer even more than us. Australia. Nice people. A kind government. ” This shows how Jam and Bibb long to go to Australia and gives the reader understanding to the life of a 3rd world country citizen. The setting of Afghanistan creates a brief and vivid imagination about what it would be like for us Australians to live in a 3rd world country as we see this through Jamb’s perspective. Jam and his family struggle as his mother is a teacher which is illegal in Afghanistan and eventually the government find out and punish them by blowing up their house and such.

    This is shown on page 3, ‘They can’t. The government can’t do this they can’t kill people for being teachers. ‘Mum,’ whimpers Bibb. ” This proves how strict, unfair and cruel the Afghanistan government is as they punish they’re people for being teachers through death. This also gives a strong point on the reason why Jam and his family want to live in Australia where they Will no longer be in danger by the government. The theme of unconditional love throughout Jamb’s family is very important within the novel of Boy Overboard. Jamb’s family show great courage and responsibility.

    Jam is always taking care of Bibb as they are always looking out for one another. You see this on page 4, “Bibb must have forgotten that girls aren’t aloud to leave the house without a parent. She must have forgotten that females need to keep there face covered at all times out of doors. ” Jam shows unconditional love throughout the whole novel towards Bibb as he protects her no matter what even if it means his life is at risk. Jamb’s Mother and gather are some of the most courageous and caring parents. During this novel the government discover about his mother teaching illegally and their house gets loon up.

    But despite Mothers mistakes she takes care of her whole family and they try their best to keep each Other safe no matter how difficult it is at times. Through first person point of view the reader is given an honest opinion Of the puzzling thoughts Of an II year Old boy living in Afghanistan. Throughout the novel Jam has a very bright understanding of what has been going on around him. This makes the reader feel very drawn towards him as if it was them themselves in his position in Afghanistan wanting to make it to Australia.

    You can e this on page 98, ‘We should be happy because were on our way to Australia. But were not. ” Jam doesn’t have much knowledge about Australia but in the novel he gets quite worried as he doesn’t trust that they will make it safely to Australia. This novel is very beneficial for the reader to understand what other children and families have to go through whilst living in Afghanistan and other third world countries. Boy overboard gives the reader a major understanding to peoples lives are in Afghanistan and other third world countries.

    The readers would have learnt bout extreme dangers, restrictions and laws of Afghanistan as it is an extremely different place to Australia, They would of felt Jamb’s emotions as he was always trying to take care of his family and Bibb most of all as he had strong unconditional love for her. The reader would now understand the sad life of Jamb’s point of view in this novel as no one had a chance to live freely. This book inspires us all to try and make a change in the world we live in as others hue to suffer from the laws and government of their own country with no way to escape but to flee.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Morris Gleitzman – Boy Overboard Essay. (2018, May 22). Retrieved from

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