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    Spring Storm Poem flashcard

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    Line One
    He comes gusting out of the house,
    Line Two
    The screen door a thunderclap behind him
    Line Three
    He moves like a black cloud
    Line Four
    Over the lawn and – Stops
    Line Five
    A hand in his mind grabs
    Line Six
    A purple crayon of anger
    Line Seven
    And messes the clean sky
    Line Eight
    He sits on the steps, his eye drawing
    Line Nine
    A mustache on the eye on the face in the tree
    Line Ten
    As his weather clears
    Line Eleven
    His rage dripping away
    Line Twelve
    Wisecracks and wonderment
    Line Thirteen
    Spring up like dandelions

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    Spring Storm Poem flashcard. (2017, Dec 28). Retrieved from

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