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    English Poems 2 themes

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    O Mistress Mine
    This poem talks about a couple and urges them to love each other right now
    The Battle of Blenheim
    This poem has the ironic line “But it was a great victory!”
    This poem’s author asks the land to help in writing its beautiful sounds
    Sonnet 55
    This poem says that one can be known longer through writing than through art works
    400-Meter Freestyle
    This poem has good sensory imagery where we experience the precision and pain of the athlete
    At Woodward’s Garden
    This poem ends by saying it is what we do with what we know that counts
    Manhole Covers
    This poem is written in free verse and describes an object that endures
    The Sound of the Sea
    This poem, an Italian sonnet, affirms that sometime we have forewarnings from God
    The Charge of the Light Brigade
    This poem praises a group of soldier who were loyal to their orders
    John Anderson My Jo
    This poem describes the life-long friendship between two men
    Loveliest of Tree
    This poem says that 50 years is short, so the author wants to enjoy the countryside
    The Castle
    This poem states that there was no weapon that could stop man’s greed
    The Time We Climbed Snake Mountain
    This poem declares that we should respect an animal’s habitat (or where they live)
    The Seven Ages of Man
    This poem compares man to an actor on a stage that plays different roles
    Desert Places
    This poem talks about the feelings of loneliness and emptiness inside
    I wandered Lonely As a Cloud
    This poem’s author gets inspired when he thinks about a scene with daffodils
    The Erl-king
    This poem shows that sometimes the emotional might be more powerful than the rational (이성적)
    This poem talks about life’s journey and reaching the inn of death only to rest temporarily
    This poem warns England people not to put their trust in their military might
    Lord Randal
    This poem tells how a man was poisoned to death
    All In Green Went My Love Riding
    This poem ends abruptly, probably to show the ending of a relationship

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    English Poems 2 themes. (2017, Dec 29). Retrieved from

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