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    Speech: Education and New School Term Essay

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    Goodwill Is a speech’speeches are talks delivered In public on formal and Informal occasions. There are many types of speeches such as ‘welcome speech’, thankful speech’ and ‘farewell speech’. Besides, there are also speeches on topics of interest and Soc;al Issues. T Sweden you write out a speech. Sample question:You are the head prefect in your school. At the beginning tot the new school term, you have been asked to remind students about the school regulations. Write out your speech using the notes below:-

    ATTIRE:- School uniform -neat -wear white shoes and socks Hair -boys – short -girls – short or long Nails -short – long hair must be tied up Make up-Is not allowed In school! – -No loitering -No homophones ;No Jewelry -No smoking ;Be punctual -Respect teachers ‘Off -Pay attention In class -No playing truant When writing the speech, remember to; include all the points given elaborate on the points set out your speech correctly write in paragraph Sample answer + explanation on the framework (Pay attention to how the points are elaborated)Hess regulations are meant to create a positive image and environment for the school.

    There are, of course, some black sheep who will break the regulations. Do not be influenced by them. Instead, set a good example for others. Thank you. Morning to our principal, teachers and fellow students. Welcome to the new school term. I am Nuzzle Figure Mad, the head prefect of SMS Raja Mud. This morning, I would like to refresh your memory about our school regulations especially regarding attire and conduct create a good impression, always be dressed neatly our school uniformities withiest shoes and white socks.

    Don’t forget to wear your school badge and name tag. Your harpsichord be short and neatly combed. Boyishly always keep their horsehair. Girls are allowed to keeping hair but it should always be neatly combed initiated. No one is allowed to wear]leery. If you do, then your Jewelry will be confiscated. In addition, Yucatan use make-up. Yourself should always be spaceports. Remember, no nail polish is allowed. Regarding your conduct, always punctual. Respect your teacher and pay attention in class.

    Remember, no loitering around and playing truant. If you don’t comply with the school rules, you will have to face the music. Last term, several students were suspended or expelled Trot cocoons Tort fighting,smoking and other serious offences. Homophones are banned. If you bring homophones, they will be confiscated. Paragraph – BODY Main points and their elaboration (facts, figures, examples)Elaborate 1 point in 1 paragraph or combine a few relevant points and elaborate in 1 paragraph

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Speech: Education and New School Term Essay. (2018, Oct 22). Retrieved from

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