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    Some of the Problems Associated With Higher Education in India and it’s Possible Solutions

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    I read a research paper titled ‘Present Scenario of Higher Education in Indian System of Education: A Need to Improve its quality’ written by Ana Bali which was published in the International Journal of Research (IJR), Volume 1, Issue 5. The author in her research paper talks about certain problems associated with higher education system in India and then suggests a few solutions of this problem. I found these sub- topics to be very much interesting since, the topic chose by me and the various aspects related to the sub- topics mentioned are inter -connected with each other.

    The author feels that, the current higher education system is unfit for the needs of free India. Therefore, she feels that one needs to give a serious thought to this crucial issue. She feels that many of the educated youths remain unemployed or are misfits in their practical life owing to their defective education. She also mentions that now- a days there is a lot of over- crowding in class. The teacher pupil interaction gets hampered due to this reason. This in turn is responsible for chaos and indiscipline in class. She further says that, our education system is only meant to prepare students for exams. The ability of a student is judged based on his/ her marks and percentage. The students only study in order to do well in exams. They are even ready to take up short cut methods in order to do so. As a result, they really do not gain any practical knowledge about life. The author even feels that the way teachers are recruited is very unjust. The selection is based on factors such as religion/ caste and not merit. She goes on to mention a few more problems in the existing higher education system in India.

    She further mentions some of the possible solutions to this problem. They are as follows.

    1. ‘We all need to encourage each other to move towards a learning society’.
    2. ‘Innovative practices need to be undertaken by teachers while teaching students’.
    3. ‘The education system should be such that it is student- centred’.
    4. ‘India should truly develop as a country in the education sector and try to match the standards of education in western countries such as USA, UK etc’.

    She goes on to mention a few more solutions associated with the problem of higher education in India.

    Methodology: I would like to collect information about my research topic mainly reading various research papers and by conducting interviews and sending out survey forms.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Some of the Problems Associated With Higher Education in India and it’s Possible Solutions. (2022, Apr 17). Retrieved from

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