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    Solving Google Play Problems With Data Analytics

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    Google Inc. is a leading Internet search engine, founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin in 1998. It was first called Backrub which was later changed to Google. The company’s mission statement is ‘To organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful’. Google’s mission statement parallels with its vision statement which is “to provide access to the world’s information in one click.” More than 70 percent of worldwide online search requests are handled by Google. Google began as an online search firm and now offers over 50 Internet services and products including: e-mail, software for mobile phones, tablet computers, hardware of mobile phones, online advertising, ebook, etc. Google Inc. offers customers in 42 languages and payment options in 48 currencies.

    The headquarters of Google are in Mountain View, California. According to The Statistics Portal, there are 88,110 full-time employees in the year of 2017. Google Inc. is focus in five basic departments: engineering department, product department, sales department, legal department, and finance department. The engineering department has control over research and development. The product department focus on product management, user’s experience, and product marketing. The sales department’s team is divide into three groups to focus on different regions of the world including: Americas, Asia Pacific, and Europe, Middle East, & Africa. The legal department is responsible for general counsel, corporate development, and new business development. Lastly, the finance department is responsible for treasurer, financial planning, and financial forecast. The focus of this project will be on Google Play Store which was born from the acquisition of Android in 2005. The scope of our project will be to focus on engineering department, product department, sales department, and finance department.

    Business Intelligence/Analytics and Reporting System

    To be honest, MS Excel is not the primary use in Google Inc, because Google Inc already has Google Sheets for customers and themselves. MS Excel and Google Sheet share some commonalities. These spreadsheet tools both solve complicated calculations and help to develop standard operating procedures. Google Sheets is more suitable for team-centric organization like Google Inc, team members could work directly in the same worksheet at the same time. But MS Excel could not be replaced by Google Sheets completely, because MS Excel has more advanced tools like Pivot Table. If Google Inc need to process or crunch huge amounts of data and use more professional tools to the data, there is no better tool except MS Excel. As one of the departments of Google, the employees of Google Play Store also use both MS Excel and Google Sheets in different situations for complicated data or daily use.

    Data Warehouses

    The data warehouse consists of two parts, one is traditional data warehouse, which means data server and data mining, and the other one is cloud warehouse. From the new data on Google’s energy use, there might be 900,000 servers to run. Google is preparing to manage larger fleets of server, a new data storage system is designed by Google Inc named Spanner, which connect automatic management of Google with multiple data centers. Moreover, BigQuery is Google’s serverless, highly scalable, enterprise data warehouse designed to make data analysts more productive. With the BigQuery data warehouse, they could analyze data using SQL without infrastructure to manage. BigQuery allows the organization to analyze data in a real time using its powerful streaming ingestion capability. The following picture is data warehouse solution architecture with BigQuery.

    Integrated Information Systems (IS)

    After talking about the BigQuery as the cloud data warehouse of Google Inc, BigQuery is also the seamless and integrated information system of Google Inc. Beyond the features of BigQuery we already discussed in last question, Google BigQuery still has other features. BigQuery will show a view of all data by seamlessly querying data stored in Cloud Storage, Sheets, and Drive, and it integrates with existing tools to enrich the data they use. BigQuery has a Petabyte Scale, which means you could scale seamlessly to store and analyze petabytes more without paying for more capacity. Besides, Google BigQuery is the foundation of BI. BigQuery forms the data warehousing architecture for BI solution, and empowers seamless data integration, analysis, and reporting from Google.

    Business Analytics Team

    Google Inc. has a strong business analytics team. The analyst team consists of two main type of analyst: one is product analyst and other is business analyst. The product analyst is responsible for understand user needs and gather information to improve existing data. They also need the identify market opportunities to develop a better product. To accomplish these goal, product analyst needs to have strong set of data that is truly represent the user group they are analyzing, the use these data to form decisions. The business analyst is response to analysis the design of company’s system including their business partner, departments, and organization. Business analyst analysis data to find different insight that will drive a business impact, which allows them to identify opportunities for process improvement and identify opportunities for new operations. Business analyst also define the scope of project that is developed by the company and acquires resources that is useful to the company.

    Business Analytics Tools

    They use Google Cloud Platform and Google Analytics. Google Cloud Platform is a suite of cloud computing services which lists over 90 products and is used by Google internally for end-user products. It scales with open, flexible technology, and could solve problems with data analytics. Google Cloud Platform could also improve the productivity of developer. Moreover, Google Analytics is a web analytics service which is a platform inside the Google Marketing Platform brand. It could integrate solutions for every marketer, optimize the market, dive into the details, and find a solution that fits. No matter poorly performing pages or advanced features, Google Analytics does them well.

    The Level on The Business Analytics Maturity Model

    Organizations using Analytics Maturity Assessment(AMA) are evaluated within the five DELTA model categories. The DELTA maturity model gives the evaluation standards to Data, Enterprise, Leadership, Targets, and Analyst. Depends on different conditions, the model is split into five stages, which are Analytically Impaired, Localized Analytic, Analytical Aspirations, Analytical Companies, and Analytical Competitors. Based on the analytical tools (Google Analytics, Google cloud), the servers (more than 900,000), and the data warehouses (BigQuery) used by Google, Inc., Google Inc belongs to the highest level/Stage 5 of the maturity model, which is Analytical Competitors. In the Stage 5, organizations should have board use of analytics to compete and drive strategy.

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    Solving Google Play Problems With Data Analytics. (2022, Jun 03). Retrieved from

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