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    Google Is Making Us More Functional

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    Google is one of the most know Web agents, accessible to everyone on this planet for free. People are becoming more dependent on Google and the Internet by the second. Humans are becoming more of a machine in the way they think. Google receives over 63,000 searches per second on any given day. This summary will inquiry “Is Google Making Us Stupid” by Nicholas Carr argument about the famous Web agent Google and how is it affecting how people rarely have their own formed ideas that is not obtained from the internet also known as Google, but it is not all bad of course there is some pros to it too. I agree with Carr, too much of anything can definitely sometimes hurt, Google is definitely not making us dumber but rather it is making us function like a machines and computers, instead of using our own unique complex brains.


    The central Idea of the writer, Nicholas Carr is endeavoring to make is that as the web turns into our essential wellspring of data, it starts to influence our capacity to peruse books and other long pieces. Despite the fact that this procedure may offer information proficiency, it levels our cerebrum’s learning background simultaneously. The primary thing Carr does is share an issue with the gathering of people about how he can’t concentrate on perusing. This summary will inquiry “Is Google Making Us Stupid” by Nicholas Carr “Over the past few years I’ve had an uncomfortable sense that someone, or something, has been tinkering with my brain, remapping the neural circuitry, reprogramming the memory.”

    Reading habits people now read more but in short articles or paragraphs instead of books has changed due to the internet and computers.

    Thinking has changed its so much easier getting distracted and drafted away than when they internet wasn’t aroundnsupport your thesis show quote/paraphrase here too(remember to CITE the quote/paraphrase in APA)

    The good about it is that tasks that usually take forever or were even impossible to accomplish has become so easily done. “Research that once required days in the stacks or periodical rooms of libraries can now be done in minutes.”

    Now it is really hard to concentrate on anything since even our phone were designed to distract us and us pick it up “I feel as if I’m always dragging my wayward brain back to the text. The deep reading that used to come naturally has become a struggle.” Is what Nicholas Carr said and I agree with it. Concentration is something that should come naturally to a person but since the internet and computers has become the biggest distractions ever known to man it’s been a struggle

    Since what you are supposed to think about something is already formed by people online people usually conform to what the majority think so they don’t stick out and be the weird one, even if they disagree or totally have another idea. Google does definitely limit your creativity in independent ideas which is a really bad thing.


    The Internet has Indeed affected us with infinite benefits. However critical thinking is become an issue due the internet, It’s harder to form your own opinion without getting influenced by something on the internet and get scoped away in a second.


    1. Carr, N. (2018, June 13). Is Google Making Us Stupid? Retrieved from

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    Google Is Making Us More Functional. (2022, Jun 03). Retrieved from

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