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    Social Problems in People’s Lives

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    People may have problems every day in their lives, but most of these people, including us, do not realize that there is more than one reason why these problems happen to us. One of those reasons is the excessive and addictive use of our electronic devices such as cell phones, computers, among others.

    Most of the time that people get into these devices is because they do not like talking to people face to face; they did not have a good childhood or their parents had some type of marital problem and they want to repair it trying to buy the affection and feelings of their sons or daughters.

    Another reason why these events happen is because they have difficult times at school or work, most people are in complete disagreement with the theory of addiction to the electronic device; believing that this happens only if they let them control it completely.

    The effects of having a high addiction to some type of device affects all types of individuals, whether women, men, children and adults; but the ones that affect most of all are adolescents or young people; being able to cause a curtain where they can hide from reality and at the same time putting things in their heads that could affect the individual too much, creating a feeling of dependence, thinking that everything is out of order, and pressure persecution for something.

    Young women begin to feel marked by what other people say about their body, attitude or feelings; young people of the male gender tend to be incarnated with their devices, leaving aside or increasing their machismo for what happens behind those screens; changing their character and self-esteem.

    Men have different attitudes to take care or protect of their things (man behavior) but when they start using their devices excessively those attitudes change automatically making them weak and sensitive to all kinds of contact, physically and mentally, being vulnerable to all types of aggresors.

    This happens exactly with women, but at a higher level of discriminating and vulgary insulting them by making them worry about their appearances and feelings for each comment in their social networks; making them believe that if they change their way of being they can be finally accepted.

    In conclusion, people who have a high level of addiction to their mobile devices may suffer trauma, pressure or depression because of the things that can be found behind those screens, affecting their minds and their way of reasoning.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Social Problems in People’s Lives. (2022, Jan 28). Retrieved from

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