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    Social Problems Affecting Students and Schools

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    The report, “Social Problems Affecting Students and Schools,” was written by Erica Loop that appeared in “Pittsburgh Parent Magazine” is an interesting article. The article draws attention to the societal issues which affect child’s development, learners, the schools and communities. Loop provided detailed information about those issues which are linked together connecting to or influencing every child’s growth and learning. While the author has some insight, much of the article is based on actual research rather than speculation or opinion. Loops point out fact examples of different social issues that affect child’s growth and learning. She explained how racism, economy, drugs and alcohol and unplanned pregnancy affect the growth of each individual. She states that racism is one of the issues that affect the social development of a child since denying someone their individual rights or acting in a negative ways towards them.

    I also approve this statement since not everyone of us have a positive mindset, there are still discrimation everywhere regarding about someone’s race or culture. Another issue is about economy, she states that when economy takes downward turn, every can quickly suffer. Loop stated, “When the costs to the schools begin to outweigh the money coming from the taxes and other funding sources, the programs are deemed unessential – such as non-academic or art concentrations – are cut the teachers may lose their job. These cuts not only affect the schools, but also impact and their opportunities to get a quality education”. My own assertion is that it may be impossible for the teacher to lose their jobs especially in the government schools. Next issue is for drugs and alcohol; I believe that this is an issue since most of the teenagers nowadays are engage in substance use. Teens that are engage in substance use often have scholastic problems and this include lower grades, memory issues and higher likelihood of school absences. And lastly unplanned pregnancy, she stated unplanned pregnancies have a drastic impact on many students and their schooling.

    I also approve this statement since statistic shows every year, 7.3 million girls become pregnant before they turn 18. Teenage pregnancy increases when girls are denied the right to make decisions about their sexual health and well-being. The article “Social Problems Affecting Students and Schools” has a few merits and it provides thoroughly discussion. I give credit to the author for a unique perspective and a detailed review of the information. It appears, though, that Loops’ primary goal is to open our minds to the fact issues that are happening now on our society.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Social Problems Affecting Students and Schools. (2022, Jan 28). Retrieved from

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