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    Social Problems in Society test

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    This assignment caused me to look at the topics in a different lens. It was tough because all issues are very important to the lives of everyone. After close examination, I found that alcohol & drugs were the number one social problem within society for several reasons. The substance abuse of alcohol and other drugs can destroy an individual’s health, their lives, and even random people they might not even know as well as their families. A lot of the crimes in America are drug-related or linked in some way to someone being under the influence. Many medical and psychological issues stem from a substance abuse problem as a catalyst.

    According to the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 50% of deaths in ages 15-24 involve alcohol or drug abuse. Over 100,000 deaths in the United States alone are a direct result of alcohol abuse. Drugs and alcohol use also presents both physical and sexual aggression often leading to assault or rape. Even the leading cause of death in teenagers is alcohol-related car crashes. The National Center for Biotechnology Information has conducted a study proving those who drink alcohol are more likely to have a poor work ethic and concurrently use tobacco products, illegal drugs, or both.

    Another social problem derived from the use of alcohol and drugs is the issue concerning mental health. Today, many suffer from mental health issues like depression, anxiety, and even just regular health issues. This causes people to use alcohol and drugs as a mean of self-treatment. Once addicted, alcohol interferes with your health in everyday life, you become dependent on alcohol to get you through your troubles. People who drink heavily are more likely to have damage to their liver, pancreas, and brain, subject to high blood pressure, problems in their sex life, and even cancer. The squander of alcohol usage can lead to violent behavior, accidents, isolation, and incarceration. Although people use alcohol & drugs to relieve their problems that still does not make the use of the substances okay. The misuse of illegal drugs, legal prescription, and nonprescription drugs can lead to drug dependency, meaning that a person feels as if they cannot positively progress unless they are using the substance they need.

    Drugs & Alcohol were ranked number one on my list because to me I feel that is the most widespread epidemic we are an entire human race are facing. Everyone knows or has heard of at least one single individual that has some sort of connection to drugs or alcohol. Most of the problems on the assignment are generally results of alcohol and/or drug-related issues. Crime is the number one subcategory. Substances like alcohol, and drugs legal or illegal when misused tend to lead people down the wrong path. They allow one to perform wrongful acts, while under the influence, with no form of redemption because there is no excuse. Drug and Alcohol misuse has been a battle fought worldwide for decades. It is the world’s longest war. It is a social dilemma that is hindering man from greatness. It is a problem we must first solve as a society before we can do anything further.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Social Problems in Society test. (2022, Jan 28). Retrieved from

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