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    Significance of Race and Ethnicity in Society

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    Race refers to groups of people who have differences and similarities in biological traits considered by society to be socially significant. Race is distinctive from ethnicity. Although race portrays categories of physical appearance, genetic biology plays a small or slight role in the development of ethnic categories. Instead, ethnicity describes cultural groups, whose bond is stimulate through social interaction and shared ideas of culture, including language, customs, and institutions. Society place a great importance on racial groups they tend to place White or lighter-skinned people at the top while putting Black and Indigenous people at the bottom of the racial system.

    My race is black and my ethnicity is Haitian they both play a great significance in the society. Haitian people tend to face much discrimination in the US because of their differences some American always saying that Haitian people come to take over their jobs. When they see us, they tend to harass us mostly in school the student also ready to open fight with Haitian students. They encounter many prejudices because they always saying that all Haitian people are practicing voodoo whereas it is only some of the populations who practicing voodoo and some do not even know anything about voodoo.

    Whenever they see us they always asking Haitian about voodoo practices. They always stereotyping us about how we live because Haitian people are mostly not open like American people and most of the Haitian people are very modest. We face so many inequalities because of the languages barrier we tend to get the low pay rate jobs compares to others.

    Our race affects our social life because it determines our lives because it is an ascribe status which is it cannot change no matter what we can possible do. Race put a separation among human being most black people tend to live on the south side because it easier to afford whereas you will find more white people on the north side. Whenever my coworker ask me where I live I say on the north side they always referring me as a rich person because they have a perception that only white people or rich people who can afford to live on the north like it is only reserves for these particular of people.

    Race affects they types of sport that we play like you tend to see more Caucasian people or rich people who play baseball and also race tend to limit your social activities because their of their status people in certain race can not afford due to racial inequalities. I do not benefit from identity because it put a barrier among us a an individual sometimes you might want to interact with someone because of race and ethnicity play an important role in social interaction I am usually afraid because ethnicity place a urge wall in front of us it blinds them from seeing stuff on the wrong way.

    In my opinion, I think if we could put our race and ethnicity on the side and see each other as an individual, we would have a better world we will have less depression, abuse, drug addicts, poverty and less violence because these things play a urge parts on these issues that we all face today in our society.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Significance of Race and Ethnicity in Society. (2022, Feb 15). Retrieved from

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