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    Difference between Race and Ethnicity

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    Although the phrases race and ethnicity are very commonplace, very few people appropriately describe the difference among the two. Simply because we have a tendency to combine them into the equal definition. Race is a category of humans broadly perceived as sharing socially considerable bodily traits together with skin tone. Ethnicity alternatively refers to a shared cultural heritage, often deriving from a common ancestry and homeland. For as long as those two were around there has additionally been racism and discrimination in opposition to those humans of certain races and ethnic companies.“Racism is a set of attitudes, beliefs, and practices used to justify the superior treatment of one racial or ethnic group and the inferior treatment of another racial or ethnic group”(Kendall, pg.53).

    Race is a time period that describes a set of human beings with comparable descent. It is believed that race is decided by way of bodily specs along with color, language, eye shape, or even things including blood types. Ethnicity defines the background of a specific individual or thing. The equal applies to human beings. One’s ethnicity may be determined by means of his or her birthplace, religion, of beliefs. Ethnicity does not define bodily characteristics, but rather backgrounds and traits. The United States is a melting pot. One instance of the difference between those two terms is with the aid of examining individuals who proportion the identical ethnicity. Two human beings can become aware of their ethnicity as American, yet their races can be black and white. “amalgamation, also referred to as the melting-pot model, a process in which the cultural attributes of diverse racial-ethnic groups are blended together to form a new society incorporating the unique contributions of each group”(Kendall pg.56).

    This country is made up of hundreds and hundreds of different people from one of a kind places. We are all humans, as I have previously stated. Although our ethnic backgrounds might also fluctuate in many exclusive ways, all in all, we are one race. This is vital to undergo in mind. Heritage has to constantly be recognized, as it commonly is in the United States. But acknowledging the sizable backgrounds that exist in the USA. is the most important idea of all. The principle of systemic racism, developed by means of sociologist Joe Feagin, is an vital and extensively used principle of race and racism that has gained unique traction due to the fact that the upward thrust of the BlackLivesMatter movement. Feagin’s theory, rooted in historical documentation, asserts that racism became built into the very foundation of U.S. Society and that it now exists within every issue of society.

    Connecting monetary wealth and impoverishment, politics and disenfranchisement, racism within establishments like schools and media, to racist assumptions and ideas, Feagin’s concept is a roadmap for know-how the origins of racism in the U.S., how it operates today, and what anti-racist activists can do to combat it.“Segregation is the spatial and social separation of people by race/ethnicity, class, gender, religion, or other social characteristics”(Kendall pg.58). By taking this area individuals like Rosa Parks,Madam CJ Walker,and Coretta Scott King made it feasible so that the sector that other nationalities besides whites would have the ability to not face racism,segregation,and or hate for doing something that they love or would really like to attempt out.

    In conclusion, as compared to a popular belief on ethnic variety, the positive impact of ethnic diversity on work group overall performance has not been supported conclusively. Therefore, more examine is truely needed to specify special possibilities together with duration of time together as a collection, venture personality, and quite a few combos of ethnicity wherein ethnic diversity might also have differential results on performance.By repeating the sociologically clear that human social being implies at the least a minimum level of compromise or commitment to shared norms.racism in the U.S., how it operates today, and what anti-racist activists can do to combat it.


    1. Kendall, D. E. (2013). Social problems in a diverse society (6th ed.). Boston: Pearson.

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    Difference between Race and Ethnicity. (2022, Feb 15). Retrieved from

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