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    Shooting an Elephant Essay (724 words)

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    Shooting An Elephant The well written narrative essay of George Orwell (shooting An Elephant) and Salvation of Langston Hughes, dealing with their life story and experience show the set of qualities that make each author distinctive. However, the authors used a particular way to narrate their story making them alive. So this particular way used by each of them let make a critical comparison and contrast analysis related to each author personality. Langston Hughes toward Salvation used an ironic tone to narrate his story.

    Some expressions showed the hidden way to say and express thoughts like “bring the young lamb to the fold” express the conversion of young people to Jesus. Lingston Hughes beliefs are based on real and tangible things, he doesn’t believe without seeing thing, experiencing them. He did wait for long time for Jesus to appear to him, talk to him as we communicate with each other. Even though he already heard great many old people say Jesus came into their life, he did not believe until it experience that. Lingston was sensible to the preaching, he listen carefully and analyze.

    He don’t do things because everybody is doing that he will be convinced before doing it. Many people knelt on the mourners bench assuming that Jesus appeared to them but Lingstone kept waiting for his turn. At a first moment he don’t let himself influence by whatever happens but by the time he finishes to surround, he felt ashamed to see himself as an exception among a community. He can hold everything up so long. Even though he did not believe he goes along with the crowd, the way to do not see yourself as an exception.

    He agree with a community but he do regret for his weakness to accept things, to be involuntary convince, influence by the majority people without being persuade. George Orwell in Shooting An Elephant on the other hand express his thoughts Clearly in sadistic way. The fact that he was hate by numbers of people has not been a reason for him to give up all things in his life. He does try to distinguish himself by particular and things or acts. His response to anything was based on people influence. Orwell is a kind of curious person, he wants to explore things and go toward things instead of waiting.

    When the sub-inspector rang him up saying that an elephant was ravaging the bazaar. He was curious to see what was happening. He do need to act because people need his help, their hope he could safe them even though he was not sure of what he could do. This hope became as a goal he must achieve: shooting an Elephant. He did not believe in himself, but he knew that he got a to it . Orwell Glanced around at the crowd that had followed him, he was not like by people but he feel like pressing to act. He takes a time for Orwell to decide, but he never give up.

    He make sure all the time to do not miss his intention. He regain courage by getting a crowd around him, it a kind of his motivation. He was not afraid in the ordinary sense. He shoot the elephant as the crowd was waiting for him to go along with. Orwell felt bad after shooting the elephant and could not stand any longer, he regret his act, he could not believe he will be able to kill even a butterfly but he did kill an huge elephant. He could not see him dying. Orwell took proud after because he achieve the goal, he made it and he is so proud.

    Each authors has a particular feelings that allow them to regret whatever they do, they go along with things, agree involuntary and accept to behave as people expect them to behave. They don’t want to see themselves as an exception in life. This regret can be handling with by the time by other people but there are those who never forget and always remember what they did so bad. Courage, determination was a main personality of these authors. In a certain way each of them was decide to achieve any goal even though they have been influenced they do try and that was the best of their story.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Shooting an Elephant Essay (724 words). (2018, Oct 21). Retrieved from

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