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    Rowan Atkinson Essay (1965 words)

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    This thesis focuses on the histrion, Rowan Atkinson and his accomplishments in his moving calling, most notably the situation comedies “Blackadder” and “Mr. Bean” , into which I will be supplying more in-depth analysis. The research for this thesis was carried out by traveling through legion articles about Rowan Atkinson, most of all Wikipedia articles. The information relevant to my demands for this article was so compiled and grouped up into several subdivisions, while seeking to maintain the chronological order when showing facts. The stuff used is sorted in the ‘References’ subdivision for easier entree.

    Cardinal Wordss:Rowan Atkinson, Richard Curtis, histrion, comedy, Blackadder, Mr. Bean, slapstick, celebrity, movie, moving calling.

    Table of contents:


    Early Career – Acting and Performing…………………………………… … 3

    Blackadder ( 1983-89 ) ………………………………………………………….4

    Mr. Bean – The Undying Legacy……………………………………………..5

    Atkinson in Film……………………………………………………………….6

    Personal Life and Conclusion……………………………………………… … 7

    References…………………………………………………………………… … .7

    IntroductionRowan Sebastian Atkinson, doubtless one of the most outstanding figures in modern-day English comedy, was born on January 6Thursday, 1955 in a little town of Consett in County Durham, England. His telecasting calling is about three decennaries long, and as stated by Nick Barratt ( 2007 ) , he comes from a successful working-class background, although the Atkinson household shows strong aspirations towards middle-class position. Rowan is the youngest of the four boies of Eric Atkinson and his married woman, Ella May ( nee Bainbridge ) . Rowan received a grade in Electrical Engineering at Newcastle University, and in 1975 a grade of Master of Science in Electrical Engineering at The Queen’s College, Oxford ( hypertext transfer protocol: //, par. 3-4 ) . Interestingly plenty, in his young person Rowan was troubled by a address hindrance. Talking to his friends and co-workers for drawn-out periods of clip left him fatigued and stressed, as certain words were giving him problem. However, this all changed during his college old ages, when he found an involvement in moving.

    Early Career – Acting and Performing

    Atkinson took his first stairss in his executing calling during his M. Sc. surveies in Electrical Technology at The Queen’s College. In fact, it was these initial successes in moving, combined with his newfound involvement for it, that drove him to go through up a possible Ph.d. in this field. He foremost introduced himself to the general populace in the Oxford Revue at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe in 1976, and shortly afterwards he started entertaining in a figure of theatre nines. In 1979, Atkinson wrote and starred in the BBC’s “Not the Nine O’clock News” ( hypertext transfer protocol: // # awesm=~oEaM6iZXCifx6b, par. 4 ) . He co-wrote it with Richard Curtis, with whom Atkinson continued to compose and work on other undertakings which gained international celebrity. “Not the Nine O’clock News” was merely the beginning of his telecasting calling nevertheless. It aired from 1979 to 1982, and what followed was, all modesty aside, piece de resistance which skyrocketed his moving calling in comedy – “Blackadder” .

    Blackadder ( 1983-89 )

    Comprised of four series and several one-off installments ( independently released episodes ) , Blackadder is to this twenty-four hours one of the most celebrated situation comedies in the UK. It was written by Richard Curtis, Ben Elton and Rowan Atkinson. Aside from composing it, Atkinson besides starred as the rubric character, Edmund Blackadder, a cowardly and conniving timeserving Lord, farther back in line to the throne than he’d prefer, who would halt at nil to increase his ain luck and position. The Black Adder, as Edmund calls himself, is accompanied by his ‘henchmen’ : Baldrick, a slightly intelligent boy of a provincial, portrayed by Tony Robinson ; and Lord Percy Percy a simple Lord ( named Captain Darling in the 4th series ) , portrayed by Tim McInnerny. They reprise their functions in each subsequent series alongside Atkinson. Blackadder ran for six old ages, from 1983 to 1989, and the four series it had spawned are independent of each other, in that they are set in different clip periods.

    The first series, called “The Black Adder” , aired for approximately a month in the summer of 1983 on BBC1. The secret plan is set in British in-between ages in 1485, and it is written as an alternate history in which King Richard III won the Battle of Bosworth Field merely to be mistaken for person else and murdered, and is succeeded by Richard IV, one of the princes in the Tower ( hypertext transfer protocol: //, par. 8 ) . Richard IV’s less-favoured 2nd boy, Edmund, the Duke of Edinburgh ( Atkinson ) , efforts on legion occasions to increase his standing with his male parent and finally attempts to subvert him.

    The 2nd series, “Blackadder II” is set in the 2nd half of the 16Thursdaycentury, during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I. Due to a terrible budget cut from BBC, the 2nd series was changeable indoors, unlike the first one which was shot mostly on location. This is besides where Atkinson’s rubric character was forged into a adult male of great craft, perceptual experience and sarcastic humor, traits which followed him all the manner to the last series. One of Blackadder’s quotes to his dim friend Percy, ranked 3rd in a list of 25 telecasting series put-down comments. “ The eyes are unfastened, the oral cavity moves, but Mr. Brain has long since departed, has n’t he, Percy? ” ( hypertext transfer protocol: //, par 12 )

    Apart from the plot’s clip period displacement, the 3rd and 4th series have nil new worth mentioning. “Blackadder the Third” , is set in the Regency period ( late 18Thursdayand early 19Thursdaycentury ) , while “Blackadder Goes Forth” is set during The Great War. During the cinematography, nevertheless ( and following the terminal of the series ) , Atkinson and Curtis continued working closely together, co-writing movies and trunkss with Atkinson starring. “Dead on Time” ( 1983 ) , and “The Tall Guy” ( 1989 ) brought out in Atkinson the type of character that would subsequently be forged into the hapless, socially awkward “Mr. Bean” which brought Atkinson undisputed world-wide celebrity.

    Mr. Bean – The Undying Legacy

    Even though it was merely a character created for the situation comedy of the same name, Mr. Bean is a character that is so good known around the universe that it in some instances even surpasses Rowan Atkinson. I’ve experienced spots where grownups would mention to Atkinson as ‘Mr. Bean’ , which I think merely goes to demo how much of an impact this situation comedy has had on comedy everyplace.

    As a situation comedy, nevertheless, it originally aired from 1990 to 1995, and it was co-written by Rowan Atkinson and Richard Curtis. They created an mean British Joe with a clumsy, good hearted nature, but a awful run of bad fortune ( http: //, par. 2, sent. 5 ) . It featured a slightly fresh, soundless slapstick comedy for which Atkinson seemed gifted, and sing the address hindrance from his early yearss, this alteration might hold even been welcomed by him. And if we take into history that slapstick comedy is the type of comedy that is easiest to follow and understand, intend for all audiences ( with a sense of wit ) , so it’s truly no admiration that Atkinson’s Mr. Bean gained international glorification as one of the funniest Television characters of all clip – he was even compared to Charlie Chaplin! Atkinson himself said that his character is so popular due to the fact that the socially awkward, middle-aged Bean ‘s mundane escapades, because of his gawky inability to get by with even the smallest of life ‘s idiosyncrasies, mirror the feelings and experiences of people the universe over ( http: //, par. 2, sent. 8 ) . Other than himself, Mr. Bean’s trademarks in the show are his teddy bear called Teddy, and his auto, a 1976 British Leyland Mini. Mr. Bean is frequently seen speaking and interacting with Teddy as if the bear was alive, even though the linguistic communication spoken is largely gibberish. Bean’s Mini was besides capable to his many original ‘security measures’ , prioritising bolt-latch and padlock alternatively of auto keys, and even taking the maneuvering wheel ( which proves effectual in forestalling auto larceny at one point ) . Bean’s mishaps, aside from the original 14 25-minute episodes, besides spawned a twosome of spin-offs – abruptly animated series, books and, most notably, two movie versions which were vastly successful, gaining $ 250 million and $ 230 million, respectfully at a budget of merely $ 22 million for the first, and $ 25 million for the 2nd movie. Even though Rowan Atkinson said that the 2nd movie, called “Mr. Bean’s Holiday” would be the last visual aspect of Bean, he still performed as his celebrated character at the gap ceremonial of 2012 Olympics in London, in a skit called “Chariots of Fire” . Following the 2012 Olympics, Atkinson said in an interview that he is retiring Mr. Bean for good, seeing as how his character is unbecoming of a adult male his age. ( http: //, par. 1 ) .

    Atkinson in Film

    Aside from “Bean: The Ultimate Disaster Movie” and “Mr. Bean’s Holiday” , Atkinson has had a lively calling in characteristic movie comedy. Some of his major movie achievements are: “Four Weddings and a Funeral” ( 1994 ) , written by his friend Richard Curtis ; he gave his voice to the red-billed hornbill Zazu in Walt Disney’s “Lion King” ( 1994 ) ; “Rat Race” ( 2001 ) – portion of an ensemble dramatis personae ; he played a scoundrel in “Scooby Doo” ( 2002 ) characteristic movie ; black comedy movie, “Keeping Mum” ( 2005 ) ; and a new character, in my sentiment possibly an effort to interrupt the clasp of Bean over him, Johnny English in the 2003 movie of the same name, and its subsequence “Johnny English Reborn” ( 2011 ) , which may non hold succeeded in interrupting Bean, but have surely been a success none the less. “Johnny English” is a spy-fi parody movie, and non the first clip for Atkinson to portray a undercover agent ( he had a minor back uping function in a 1983 Bond movie “Never Say Never Again” ) . Atkinson portrayed the character of a cockamamie ace undercover agent absolutely, even unleashing the “Bean” in the advancement, as the movies feature a batch of slapstick comedy.

    Personal Life and Conclusion

    ( Following is paraphrased from hypertext transfer protocol: // ) Atkinson has been married to a make-up creative person, Sunetra Sastry for 23 old ages, with whom he has two kids, a girl named Lily, who is besides an actress, and a boy named Benjamin. However, in February 2014, it was announced that Atkinson had filed for divorce, and he is now dating a much younger actress, Louise Ford.

    Atkinson has a immense passion for autos, and frequently indulges it with his huge wealth. He writes articles for a twosome of athleticss auto magazines, and he owns a McLaren F1, which was even involved in a auto accident.

    It’s worth observing that apart from world-wide celebrity, Atkinson has besides been knighted by Queen Elizabeth II, and holds the Grand Cross’ star of the Order of the British Empire.

    In decision, Rowan Atkinson leads a really challenging and eventful life style, aside from his calling as an histrion and his playing achievements. However, to state that the assumed character of Mr. Bean will outlast him isn’t that implausible. Regardless of where his actions take him, Rowan Atkinson may get down to melt from people’s memory, but Mr. Bean will everlastingly be remembered and cherished.


    1. Charles Poladian, November 19 2012,Rowan Atkinson To Retire Mr. Beanhypertext transfer protocol: //
    2. Nick Barratt, 25 Aug 2007,Nick Barratt’s probe into our concealed histories. This hebdomad: Rowan Atkinsonhypertext transfer protocol: //
    3. Rowan Atkinson – Biographyhypertext transfer protocol: // # awesm=~oEaM6iZXCifx6b
    4. Sandra Brenan, Rovi,Rowan Atkinson: Biographyhypertext transfer protocol: //
    5. Wikipedia, Blackadderhypertext transfer protocol: //
    6. Wikipedia, Mr. Beanhypertext transfer protocol: //
    7. Wikipedia, Richard Curtishypertext transfer protocol: //
    8. Wikipedia, Rowan Atkinsonhypertext transfer protocol: //


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