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    Rizal, a True Hero? Sample Essay

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    When we have seen the picture that our Professor shown us. I remember my Cousin told me about Andres Bonifacio and Jose Rizal being compared. Would it be just for these two personalities that are highly opposite to be compared? Would it be fair for a rich adult male to be compared by a hapless adult male? Would it besides be just for a hapless adult male being compared with a rich adult male? Would it be fair for a physician to be compared by a husbandman? Would it be just excessively to a husbandman to be compared by a physician? Where is fairness if an educated adult male who attained the higher grade of instruction being compared to a adult male who didn’t even finished high school and frailty versa. r. If Rizal and Bonifacio would still be alive. decidedly. they don’t want to be compared. As a pupil who had undergone surveies about the life. function. rule in life and belies of the two heroes. I may perfectly and steadfastly stand on NOT to Compare Rizal and Bonifacio.

    They do hold different ways on combat and let go ofing their suppression about Spanish Government. But as we all know they do hold besides different background. They do hold their ain traits and values that Markss in our head. We should esteem their differences and similarities. Besides what makes them hero is their ain ego including their differences. Come to believe of it. But one thing I am certain of. that these two personalities have in common. they are both courageous and great heroes of their clip. They both wanted freedom for the Filipinos that long been controlled by the Spaniards. So. make non compare and halt utilizing each other’s failings and defects in order to set down one another. Who wants to be compared anyhow? First of all we should clear up the significance of a hero to do it rather simple to understand how Rizal became one. A hero symbolizes goodness.

    Rizal gave us freedom by utilizing goodness. Jose Rizal became the Philippine national hero because he fought for freedom in a soundless but powerful manner. He expressed his love for the Philippines through his novels. essays and articles instead than through the usage of force or aggression. He was a really astonishing individual at his clip. He was low. contending for reforms through his Hagiographas alternatively of through a revolution. He used his intelligence. endowments and accomplishments in a more peaceable manner instead than the aggressive manner. Come to believe of it. But one thing I am certain of. that these two personalities have in common. they are both courageous and great heroes of their clip. They both wanted freedom for the Filipinos that long been controlled by the Spaniards.

    So. make non compare and halt utilizing each other’s failings and defects in order to set down one another Dr. Jose Rizal’s parts like La Solidaridad. Noli Me Tangere. and El Filibusterismo are really of import to us. Filipinos because without it we will non hold bravery to support our rights against the inhuman treatment of the Spaniards. His plants and parts gave us hope. finding and inspiration to love and function our state whole-heartedly. He besides gave services and helped other people at his clip of adversities in the custodies of the Spaniards.

    As a adult male. I see Rizal with a large passion to function and contend for the rights of his state. Too many people. Rizal may be our national hero. but he is besides a individual like us. He made errors. he experienced true love. and he was tempted and suffered in great unhappiness. Rizal. as a adult male is non discussed in the schoolroom. but Rizal as a hero was.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Rizal, a True Hero? Sample Essay. (2018, Oct 20). Retrieved from

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