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    Religions may seem very different then each other, Essay

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    but are they? Using the famous quote “The grand essentials in life are something to do, something to love and something to hope for . ” I will show you Even though the cultures are totally different at first look , when you get a little closer the wants and needs arebasically the same. When you look at the three basic wants and needs you will see that each religion helps fulfill these needs , whether it be through gods myths messiahs temples or just going to church. Finding Something to has been a life long problem for man kind ever since the first “human” walked the earth . Even now we find it hard to find something to do at all times.

    The Egyptians found that during the time of the flooding of the Nile that they could build Great pyramids such as the one found at Giza for their Pharaoh who was thought of as the son of Rae the god of the sun. They also built many ornate and beautiful sculptures of gods such as Horus Osiris Anubis Seth and Many other Gods. The Christians also spent much money and time making Huge cathedrals in the middle ages such as Notre Dame and many others. They also take one day of the week and show how much they love their God by going to church. Love is one of the deepest emotions that humans can show .

    Much of our lives we spend looking for some one to love us and some one or something that we can love. The Egyptians from the very beginning loved their gods and goddesses. One of the most loved Gods was the god of the Nile . They thought that every year that he would bring the waters of the Nile over it’s banks and he would leave fertile silt on the fields for plentiful harvests until the next year. The also adored the sun god Rae He was also thought as the King of the gods. Another God they loved was Horus the son of Rae.

    Unlike the Egyptians the Christians only have one god . He is the most loved thing to the Christian people but not the only thing they love . In the ten commandments that Moses brought down from the Mtns. From God it tells us that we should love thy neighbor andthy self . they also love Jesus. Hope is one of the most important things we need in our society .

    The ancient Egyptians hope for eternal life in the after world with the god of the after life. The hope for everlasting life came from the story of Osiris. Osiris was the first king of Egypt and was loved by all . his evil brother was very jealous and decided to dispose of him by cutting his body into 14 pieces. The wife of Osiris Isis was so upset by this that she searched along the Nile until she found all the pieces .

    The sun god Rae felt pity for the young woman and decided to send down Anubis the jackal headed god of embalming to help Isis preserve the body and to bring it into the afterlife where Osiris would live forever as the king of the after life. The Egyptians prepared themselves by burying everything that they would need in the after life with their dead bodies. The Christians hope for Life after death much like the Egyptians did . The y believe that they would live in eternal peace for ever in heaven . The story of eternal life is much the same as the Egyptians . When the Romans Killed Jesus the son of God his mother and another woman buried him in a cave near where he died.

    2 Days later Jesus was resurrected by god for one last journey before he joined god and became god’s right hand man in heaven. Even though the Christen and Egyptian religions were very different waythe very basic things that religion was ment for such as hope love and something todo are brought to the people by these two religions. I hope that after reading this that you have more of an understanding for the way that these two religions are run and how similar they are to one another.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Religions may seem very different then each other, Essay. (2019, Jan 18). Retrieved from

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