rth The Effort?By: Heather RoseSince 1960, the number of violent crimes committed per capita in theUnited States has increased by more than 450%.
More than 24,000 murders tookplace in America in 1991. . With each passing year, rapes, robberies, murder, andother forms of extreme violence has become a way of life for some individualswho fall short of society’s norms; however, it is only a small portion ofcriminals who commit the majority of the crimes. It is no longer rare to be avictim of a violent crime or to know someone who has been affected .
Get tough laws passed by many states have caused a increase in prisonspending. Prison populations in the 1980’s have more than doubled resulting inmore prisons being built every year. Even with all the harsh sentencingguidelines, judges are not sentencing criminals to do necessary time . Prisonshave become a revolving door society. Only 25% of those convicted are sent toprison.
Judges usually have to let out a inmate before another one can take hisplace. There are limited cells in prisons, so the majority of crimes arepunished by probation or court sanctions. Even when longer sentences are given,they are rarely served. The average murderer spends about six years in prison.
What factors decide the outcome of such individuals’some experts feelthere is no absolute answer, only speculation. There is however, a strongrelationship between environment and the outcome of offenders. Low income, pooreducation,drugs, and family breakdown are some factors that keep repeating incases of habitual offenders; however, the public sees the problem lies with theavailability of guns and lack of morals. Only one factor stands out in bothpublic and professional opinion, drugs.
To deal with crime, we must first go to the root of the problem. TheAmerican society is a breeding ground for violent crime. Preventative measuresmust be implemented to stop such behavior before it starts. Teaching familyvalues in after school programs is a step in the right direction. Programs thatteach respect, anger management, and accountability for one’s own actions is amust in today’s society. Prison programs for the first time offender to help them becomeproductive members of society can be a step in the right direction.
Teachinginmates how to manage anger, drug counseling, people skills, as well as teachingblue collar trade to inmates will ease the transition from prison to the outsideworld. When the inmate is released, a half way house should be the residence ofthe former inmate until adjustments are made. This way a person coming intosociety will not be overwhelmed by his new found freedom. Giving them backtheir freedoms back a little at a time. Community policing should be promoted in every urban area. Communitypolicing helps unite citizens together, establish relations between police andit’s citizens, and helps establish pride in neighborhoods.
Bonds betweenneighbors are strengthened and unity is achieved. Family restructuring services should be implemented by the state and runby community leaders. Services for families in need could include, mental healthcounseling, living and coping skills, anger management classes, and domesticviolence help. Services should not be limited to those individuals who fall intocertain brackets( financial ), but to anyone in the community who desires helpto lead a productive life. After school programs to keep juveniles of the streets should reducecrimes in communities. Children with nothing to do will find ways to entertainthemselves, usually this leads to criminal mischief.
After school programsalready in use at public schools have had a sharp decrease in criminal relatedmischief. Programs such as sports and homework help has helped in reducingdropout rates.Category: History