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    Reflections on My Self-Image Essay

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    When reflecting on my self-image, there are several expressive words that I can think of to describe my skills, personality traits, etc. The list of words I would use to describe myself are the following: maternal, funny, stubborn, outgoing, and responsible. These words help give a description of some of my skills and personality traits. If I were to try to describe who I am, I would say I am a single mother with a strong personality and many responsibilities. There are various factors that have impacted the reason that I have the self-image that I do.

    There have been incidents that have occurred that helped me learn about myself. Also, there have been many influential people in my life who have views and opinions have molded my personality, especially my father. Something to also keep in mind is that your self-image can change as you grow and mature. When I look at myself now, my traits and personality are very different than they were even a couple years ago. One of the descriptive words I chose to describe myself was maternal. The reason I chose this word is because my life has changed completely since I had a child.

    This is one of the only “tasks” that has come easy to me. Some struggle with motherhood, but motherhood was never a challenge for me. Of course, there have been days that are more difficult than others, but the actual act of mothering has always come so natural to me. Something that may have impacted this trait of mine is my childhood. As a child, I did not have a mother, and I always expressed my desire to be a mom. Ever since I was very young, I would tell my dad that when I grew up I wanted to be a mom. My dad would always offer support and encouragement. His words always instilled confidence in me.

    With that being said, it is very possible that this skill comes natural to me because my dad, a very influential person in my life, had always told me he believed I would be great mother. Another word I used to describe myself is funny. There are also several reasons I chose this as a descriptive word for myself. One of the reasons I consider myself funny is because in various environments, such as home and work, I am able to make those around me laugh. Additionally, my dad and boyfriend always tell me that I have a great sense of humor. In addition, I am often able to make myself laugh.

    Just based upon the reaction I get out of people and what I have been told, it is easy to think of myself as funny. Stubborn is a word used to describe me by many, including myself. While this is not necessarily a good trait to have, it is definitely one of mine. Those who know me well, such as my sister, father, and boyfriend, have told me that I am one of the most stubborn people that they know. There have also been many instances that I display stubborn behavior. The main reason people view me as stubborn is because if I do not want to do something, I am not doing it.

    On the other hand, once I have made my mind up about doing something, I will do it. I guess you could say that once there is something in my mind, there is nothing that can change it. This is probably an area that can use improvement. Some stubbornness can be good because it is good to have strong opinions, but flexibility is also important. The last descriptive word I chose was “responsible. ” This word was an easy choice for me because I think I display responsible behavior daily. I know a lot of people who are young moms, and they do not always make the same decisions that I do.

    In my opinion, I make very responsible decisions when looking at my circumstances and my situation. I am almost 23 years old, and most people my age are partying. Since I had a child young, I knew that in order to care for him properly, I would never be able to act like other people my age. As a result, I work full time, and as soon as I get home from work I pick up my son. From the moment I pick him up until bedtime, my life revolves around him. I have my son in various extracurricular activities, and we have regular outings. Then, once he’s in bed, I do as much of my homework as I can before I go to bed.

    This is my daily routine, and it seems very boring to most people my age. However, I do not think of it as boring. It is just the responsible way to live as a parent. Additionally, I do not make decisions that are irresponsible or would have a negative impact on my life or my son’s life. When self-reflecting, I think we should look at the feedback that we get from those close to us. However, I think it is more important to look at the situations that we have encountered. The way that we handle situations shows us a lot about who we are as people. There are many factors that go into developing a self-image.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Reflections on My Self-Image Essay. (2018, Aug 13). Retrieved from

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