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    Reaction Paper in the Seminar Sample Essay

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    I learned a batch with the seminar. the presentation about office etiquette is appropriate with the concern pupil like us. The treatment and the account of Mrs. Avena are really good set. we genuinely understand and inspired. and we learned so much about what we are traveling to make when we started to travel for a occupation. or when using a occupation.

    Working with other people in an organisation or company requires necessary behavior or behaviour so that people can work in a friendly environment and be able to make their occupation good. Office etiquette is really indispensable so that a workplace will be organized. disciplined. and comfy for the employees. Respecting others and good – mannered in the office make a solid relationship between people in the workplace. I know already the mode in which I conduct myself in the office environment among people. who efficaciously become my 2nd household when I started to work in the office. I besides learn how to pattern the right etiquette in the office ; the first feeling is likely the most of import. because we are the embassador of the office. We ever should move professionally and candidly. we should have on appropriate office garb. and being orderly. clean and every bit conservative as the office requires.

    But before all of those things. we as a pupil must or should cognize what our dreams. Because harmonizing to Mr. Carpio we need to woolgather foremost. get down woolgathering now. because that dream will convey us to success. I learn so much with the talk of Mr. Carpio I inspire every bit good. Now I think I will analyze hard more for me to go successful and have a good life someday. Always retrieve God first before anything else. ever pray and be grateful of what you have. Even thought I am non as rich of import thing is I am happy and contented with what I have. That’s the positive mentality in life. And harmonizing to Mr. Carpio we have to be systematic. program in front name all the of import things that we have to make. Those are the things that truly capture in my head. I will ever maintain in my head and in my bosom the full lesson that I learned in the seminar. Because I know it will profit a batch when the clip comes that I’ll be an employee.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Reaction Paper in the Seminar Sample Essay. (2018, Oct 20). Retrieved from

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