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    The Aesthetics of Rap Essay (812 words)

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    Rap music is a particular kind of music that caused lots of discussion by its developing. It is one of the most loved by college students topics for argumentative essays and different research papers. It is one of the modern themes and students find it easy to create an outline on such topic. The main reason is hidden in the usual associating of rap with something bad. Older people have a strict opinion that rap music has a bad influence on the young generation and they must be protected from such influence. But what is actually rap music and is it really dangerous?

    Rap music essay example

    The definition of rap music states that it is a style of popular music that is developed at the end of the 1970s by disc jockeys and which is characterized by the backgrounds of insistent beat patterns and the melodic texture with rapid slangy texts glibly intoned. Rap often goes together with hip-hop. However, hip-hop is not only music but a culture. It is full of originality and provides an excellent platform for young people to express their individuality and demonstrate what they have.

    The evolution of rap music is tightly connected with an American scene. The sources of rap were hidden many years ago when African-Americans were telling stories under the accompaniment of only rhythmical beaten. The great popularity rap received in the 1970s, and the first hit was released by the Sugarhill Gang. After that, the audience that favored rap had been rapidly increasing. It was not popular only among the African Americans, and in the 1980s the white people bands appeared such as Beastie Boys.

    At the end of the century, the character of rap music rather developed and changed. Simple lyrics were replaced by complex ones, and the new style was considerably louder. The most famous artists from this period are Snoop Dogg, Tupac, Eminem. Rap was able to stand in the time and keep its popularity until our days. However, modern rap is rather different from what it was at the beginning of its existing. Modern hip hop is softer and often includes the melody. Artists pay now great attention to their song to be sung, not only told as a story. They harmonize and sing their tracks.

    Lots of people argue about the negative influence of rap music on young people consciousness. There are various arguments from both sides as some people want to prove the positive effects of such kind of music and others state its negative effects. Among positive aspects that rap music has, entertainment could be named. Rap plays the role of combining people together and giving them something similar to share. Unfortunately, there is more evidence of the bad influence of rap. It is connected with the themes that are usually discussed in the lyrics. Rap music makes the focus on sex, violence, and drugs using an awful cruel and offensive language.

    In most rap compositions, sex is defined as something dirty and is described too pointedly. It is one of the greatest dangers as young children and teenagers are listening to rap. Their perception of the world is not strictly formed yet, and it is highly risky to let them be involved in rap music. The picture that they have received from the lyrics will stand in front of their eyes and would be hard to change or demolish. All the decisions are made by rap artists under the influence of drugs. There is a differentiating between the logical decisions and those made while taking drugs. Most rappers that touch the theme of drugs tell how perfectly they feel while taking them. Rap singers prove that it is okay to take them and there is nothing forbidden in it.

    Rap songs have the great power to influence bad decision people make. They are a hidden motivator of bad choices. Rap music has a bad impact on every person that listens to it especially on the young generation. Not surprisingly that most parents and teachers are struggling to protect their kids from this influence trying to develop their positive world’s outlook. Parents should be extremely attentive to their children’s problem, or else they can easily find the solutions in the lyrics. There is no extreme necessity to forbidden rap at all; we should pay attention to those issues that create risk and find the solutions on these aspects.


    Rap is a kind of music that has become extremely popular in our time, especially among youth and teenagers. It gives them something that helps them to realize themselves and feel connected together. However, rap contains a huge danger at the same time, discussing things like violence, drugs, and sex and describing them in the untruthful dirty light. Such words in the lyrics may have an extremely harmful influence on youth conscious.


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    The Aesthetics of Rap Essay (812 words). (2017, Dec 07). Retrieved from

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