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    Quantitative Methodology For Quantitative Research Essay

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    Quantitative Methodology. Quantitative research concentrates on the measuring a certain part of an concern or issue (Tavallae,M. & Abu Talib, M., 2010). Quantitative is a numerical description that measures things as they are.

    It has objective stances, logic, and numbers focusing on unchanging data and details (Babbie, E.R., 2010). For example, a quantitative method would ask how many people are participating in a program, what are the characteristics of people in a program, and how do the people in the program perform (Leedy, P. & Ormrod, J., 2009).

    Using a quantitative research method has several advantages for testing the hypothesis. The aim of quantitative research is to classify features, count the features, and construct statistical models to explain what was observed (McNabb, D.E., 2008).Typically, quantitative methodologies uses already tested and validated theories about how and why an event occurs. The most important reason to use a quantitative method is that it has more credibility.

    It has more credibility to be implemented in natural settings or non-clinical settings by organizational leaders, administrators, public servants, and individuals or institutes who fund programs. It provides precise and numerical data. In addition, this method studies large numbers of individuals, which highlights how data analysis is not as time consuming compared to other research methods. Lastly, the results of the research are relatively independent of the researcher. Yet using a quantitative method could create an opportunity to miss phenomena naturally occurring because the focus of the research, especially the theory or hypothesis testing rather than on theory or hypothesis generation. Qualitative research design focuses on the ent.

    .onal behavior management, and behavioral pharmacology and toxicology (DeGrandpre, R., 2000). Criticism of Behavioral Theories. DeGrandpre (2000) described several criticisms of behaviorism and pinpointed the one that has marginalized behaviorism. Bargh & Ferguson (2000) stated that behaviorist reject the thesis of free will and embrace the thesis that behavior and other causes are a result of behavior change.

    Staats & Eifert (1990) found that principles that interplay between affect, behavior, and cognition should all be considered when trying to understand human behavior. Additionally, behavior analysis is just another form of behaviorism and the critics state it simply observes motor behaviors in controlled, artificial, or contrived situations (Moore, J., 2013). However, early behaviorism did not conceptualize behaviorism within the mainstream (Zuriff, G., 2005).

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Quantitative Methodology For Quantitative Research Essay. (2019, Feb 24). Retrieved from

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