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    Qualitative Research : Quantitative Research Essay

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    Qualitative Research Research is conducted daily, whether the research is conducted and carried out through that of qualitative research or quantitative research. Strongly the type of research in which is used tends to depend on the researchers purpose, with strong regards to the type of information in which the researcher is seeking to find. Qualitative research however strongly focuses on the descriptions and the deeper meaning, which can be associated with that of data collection. With regards to qualitative research there can be many definitions to describe the actual meaning of this type of research, but strongly one needs to understand the basic concepts associated with that of qualitative research. One needs to look deeply as to how it is defined, who uses this type of research, the types of research in which exists with that of qualitative research, how one can gather data and overall how it can strongly relate to that of the findings in which exist for that of qualitative research.

    What is Qualitative Research?Qualitative research often looks to answer the whys and the hows of human behaviour, the opinions in which people are comforted with and also the experiences they have encountered. Qualitative research tends to be finding out not only just what people think, but also why they think. It inclines to get individuals and participants to talk about their own opinions so that researchers can develop a deep understanding of feelings, thoughts and motives. From this it strongly gets participants to be strongly invested in their thoughts, in order to get them to think and reason. With regards to that of qualitative research there can be many definitions in which exist, all expressing their own view upon how qualitative r. .

    of the research or the purpose of the study. It does not make sense to include large portions of an interview in a research paper since it is not necessary due to constraints. This strongly demonstrates that validity can always be questioned, but it does lie in the fact that no matter what research is conducted weather it qualitative or quantitative, there can always be reason and thoughts to why a study might be not be considered fully valid. With regards to that of qualitative research it can be commonly found that findings can not be generalized to a larger population, but they can be thought about and replicated. No matter the validity, there can always be concerns that will exist will all types of studies, but the strongest basis that can exist is when the researcher can have strong influence on the results, which overall can cause for a basis to exist overall.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Qualitative Research : Quantitative Research Essay. (2019, Feb 23). Retrieved from

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