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    Racism And Police Brutality (905 words)

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    Racial profiling isn’t something new to today’s society. Most recently there were incidents in which the officers were accused of mistreating blacks such as Michael Brown and Freddie Gray. “Racism versus professionalism: claims and counter-claims about racial profiling” written by Vic Satzewich and William Shaffir discusses racism versus professionalism with officers. Their argument is more biased towards the police force and they argue that it’s part of their job.”

    Racism and police brutality in America” by Cassandra Chaney and Ray V. Robertson touch upon racism and brutality in America. Their article talks about respecting the cops but they also mention police brutality through stories from people that experienced this. Although Satzewich and Shaffir reached out to people to cops to write about their personal experiences and thoughts about racial profiling, Chaney and Robertson’s article is a stronger source because they used several sources and focus on both sides of the situation.

    In Satzewich and Shaffir’s article, they set in motion that there is evidence from people with minority backgrounds stating that officers are engaging in racial and/or religious profiling. They argue that racial profiling is a method used regularly in their line of work. Because people of minority communities believe that racial profiling exists, it gives the police a purpose to take racial profiling issues seriously to use with their policing strategies. Some officers deny the use of racial profiling. In Canada, the Toronto Star conducted research and found that black people were treated crueler than whites after they were arrested. Black people were also more likely to be held in custody for a bail hearing than white offenders. The second study performed by Scot Wortley, found that blacks were four times more likely to be pulled over and about 10% of stops involving a black person resulted in charges or an arrest.

    Chief Julian Fantino responded to the Toronto Star’s research saying, “We do not use racial profiling. We do not deal with people on the basis of their ethnicity, their race, or any other factor. We’re not perfect people but you are barking up the wrong tree.” An additional explanation for officers disclaiming racial profiling is to behave in a responsible manner. They are supposed to be the ones that ensure that everything goes as it should. Someone’s work affects how they respond to their surroundings in their everyday lives. In an analysis made by Skolnick, he states that police are likely to “develop ways of looking at the world distinctive to themselves, cognitive lens through which to see situations and events.” Officers become familiar with signs of violence through identifying certain people based on their appearance, language, gestures, and attire. One veteran mentions that it becomes an instinct and they rely on their instincts because they are out on the streets. Another senior officer acknowledges a story when he overheard one of his co-workers say something about arresting a n***** and made the officer meet up with him to discuss this. Other officers mention situations in which a person from a minority community pulled the “race card” on them to take away from their wrong doing. Therefore, the officers take on criminal profiling rather than racial profiling.

    “Racism and police brutality in America” article, mentions four different themes discussing this topic. The first theme discusses respondents’ personal experiences with cops that turned out to be unacceptable. One person suggests that not all government workers, such as firefighters, are bad guys. Since policemen are more known for taking lives rather than saving lives, they are looked at in a negative way. Theme two focuses on how respondents had doubts on whether officers would act honorable. They believe that although officers are aware that their actions may be inappropriate at times, they still continue to use excessive force. Some people felt the need to discuss “police ignorance” as a way to protect the citizens. Lady Luck acknowledges that officers demand respect from others, but rarely have the same respect. The next theme disputes personal stories in which someone experienced police brutality.

    A statistical analysis states that “police are sixteen times more likely to murder than the general population.” To bring this broad view deeper, George Sands acknowledges that although officers only make up 0.2 percent of the population, they account for 2.4 percent of the murders. One respondent, Lorraine, reported gang activity and later found out the officers were involved with the gang. This led her to being falsely arrested, “not read her writes” and “battered by the police”. Although these respondents provided personal examples of police brutality, when compared to the literature it shows that most Americans have confidence in cops doing their job the right way. The last theme targets respect for law enforcement. Ryan mentions how officers that lose their lives in the line of duty should be highlighted and misconduct is “extremely rare”. A few people look at the police officers as keeping sanity and security in our lives. Some will argue that they act in the best of interest.

    Therefore, Chaney and Robertson’s article is a stronger source due to their less biased statements and mentioning statistics. They also discuss respect for law enforcement and personal experiences that people from the community went through. Satewich and Shaffir’s article was a weaker source because of how biased the article was. The whole article is pro cops and mainly mentions cops stories/experiences.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Racism And Police Brutality (905 words). (2019, Apr 16). Retrieved from

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