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    pratices of Physical therapy Essay

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    Debating the Practices of Physical TherapyWhat is there to debate’several sources repeatedly convey similar information on the care that a physicaltherapist provides. The Handbook of Physical Therapy, written by Robert Shestack, Current PhysicalTherapy, a book by Malcolm Peat, and “A Future in Physical Therapy,” an internet publication by The AmericanPhysical Therapy Association, have notably parallel information within them. However, small variations can befound in their writings. Physical therapy is defined as the treatment of patients; disabilities from diseaseand injury to the loss of a body part with therapeutic exercise, heat, cold, water, light, electricity, ultrasound, ormassage (Shestack 3).

    Through extensive direct contact with patients and other health care personnel, physicaltherapists have the opportunity to positively make a difference in a person;s life (The American PhysicalTherapy Association 1-2). Specific education requirements are necessary to fulfill in order to become a licensedphysical therapist. When the education requirements are met, physical therapists have specific jobs in treatingvarious conditions such as arthritis and asthma. When entering into a physical therapy program, certain educational requirements must be met.

    All colleges anduniversities insist upon students wishing to enter into the pre-professional part of the physical therapy program behigh school graduates (Shestack 4-5). According to The American Physical Therapy Association (APTA), thepre-professional part of schooling includes psychology, biology, physics, statistics, chemistry, english,professional writing, and humanities (5). Shestack combines the entire program to include applied science,anatomy, physiology, neuroanatomy, kinesiology, pathology, psychology, physics, neurology, orthopedics,pediatrics, surgery, electrotherapy, massage, physical rehabilitation, and physical therapy as applied to medicine(4-5). The APTA states the professional part of the physical therapy program includes basic and clinical medicalscience courses and emphasizes the theory through extensive clinical education and a variety of practice settings(5). The requirements as proposed by both authors are similar, yet not exact, implying that the requirements areprobably quite similar, but vary most likely from state to state and school to school within those states. Both sources agree that colleges and universities around the United States are currently changing their programsfrom a bachelor;s degree program to a master;s degree program (APTA 5, Shestack 5).

    Obviously this fact is true and schools are in progress in reforming their programs. Arthritis is a commonly treated illness by physical therapists. Arthritis is an inflammation of a joint in which aperson goes through three stages of severity. These stages are the acute stage, the subacute stage, and thechronic stage. Physical therapy should begin at the onset of problems.

    The therapist should assess the history ofthe disease, a joint examination, morning stiffness, grip strength measurement, and a timed fifty-foot walk (Peat103). During the acute stage, Peat advises rest, patient education, ice packs, splinting, and range of motionexercises (104). Shestack, however, prescribes moist heat for thirty minutes two to three times a day (94). Thedifference in techniques is most likely due to the fact that all patients have different severities of this disease.

    Notonly one technique could possibly be the only techniques used on all patients. For the subacute stage, Peat and Shestack agree that maintaining range of motion in the affected joint is the taskof this stage. To do this, specific exercises are taught to the patient by the therapist according to the particularjoint with a problem (Peat 104, Shestack 94). Their agreeance clearly proves that maintaining range of motion isthe most important treatment to give in the subacute stage of arthritis.

    Finally, in the chronic stage, Peat recommends to decrease pain in the joint, increase range of motion for thejoint, increase muscle strength, and improve functional capacity (105). However, Shestack simply advises toapply a triad of heat, massage, and exercise daily (94). Again, similar to the first stage, because of differences inpatients, there must also be differences in treating them. Some of Peat;s tasks in treating a client witharthritis could possibly be carried through by using the triad that Shestack recommends. Asthma sufferers often seek help from a physical therapist to treat their condition.

    Asthma is a respiratorydisorder characterized by wheezing, difficulty in expiration, and a feeling of constriction in the chest. Physicaltherapy can provide comfort and help for a patient inflicted with an airway limitation, such as asthma (Peat 12).A physical therapist can offer breathing exercises to help improve breathing by strengthening the diaphragm,chest, and back .

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    pratices of Physical therapy Essay. (2019, Feb 17). Retrieved from

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