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    Practice: Marketing and Answer Test Question Essay

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    Practice Test Questions, Semester 1 2010 Internet Marketing 350 1. The internet consists of all of the following except ________. a.

    computers with data b. users who send and receive data files c. a technology infrastructure to move, create, and view or listen to the content d. a central mainframe 2.

    According to the book, ________ is the country with highest percentage of internet users. a. the United States b. Norway c.

    China d. France 3. E-marketing is capable of which of the following? a. increasing benefits for customers b.

    ecreasing costs for customers and the firm c. increasing the revenues of the firm d. all of the above 4. Situation analysis should review the firm’s ________.

    a. environment and SWOT analysis b. existing marketing plans c. e-business objectives, strategies, and performance metrics d.

    all of the above 5. One of the biggest differences between developed countries and countries with emerging economies is/are ________. a. the limited use and acceptance of credit cards in underdeveloped countries b.

    the types of products purchased online . the clear definition of market segments willing to shop online in underdeveloped countries d. all of the above 6. Traditionally, what has the law used to protect intangible or intellectual property rights? a.

    copyrights b. patents c. trademarks d. all of the above 7.

    Internal records ________. a. focus entirely on customer characteristics and behavior b. are not readily available to marketers c.

    can help marketers improve order-to-deliver and payment cycles d. are of little importance to marketers 8.Because time poverty is a problem for today’s consumers, they want _____. a.

    bunkering b. appropriate benefits for the time they spend online c. more multimedia on Web sites d. less expensive dial-up connections 9.

    One way for marketers to watch the trends of internet users is to _____. a. monitor Web blogs b. monitor search terms entered at Google and other search engines c.

    measure the use of chat rooms d. all of the above 10. A firm using relationship marketing focuses on ________. a.

    share of market b. share of wallet . share of time d. share of relationship Practice Short Answer Test Question 1.

    (a) Briefly outline the various goals that strategic planning process identifies. (3 marks) (b). Give some specific examples to demonstrate how these goals can influence the firms’ e-marketing tactics and strategy. (2 marks) Practice Short Answer Test Question 2.

    (a) Briefly explain what is meant by appliance convergence. (3 marks) (b). Give some specific examples to demonstrate how appliance convergence will impact a firms e-marketing activity. 2 marks) Practice Short Answer Test Question 3.

    (a) Provide a brief overview of the global e-marketing issues facing firms. (3 marks) (b). Give some specific examples to demonstrate how these issues are effecting a firms e-marketing activity. (2 marks) Practice Short Answer Test Question 4.

    (a) Briefly describe the benefits of CRM to the firm. (3 marks) (b). Give some specific examples to demonstrate firms can use CRM to advantage with its e-marketing activity. (2 marks)

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Practice: Marketing and Answer Test Question Essay. (2018, Oct 23). Retrieved from

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