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    Essay On Population (575 words)

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    Some of the worlds problems are all over the world. One is in Los Angles itis sent in the desert and the water has to be pumped in from the Colorado River anddried up a large lake that only a certain kind of wheat grew.

    In Ghana, West Africa the problems it faces are extreme high mortality rate. The migrant people celebrate when a family has l0 children half of population isBangladesh is a prime example of over population it is the most denselypopulated country in the world in the l60 million people in a place the size ofMexico City is the largest capital in the world. l0% of energy in Mexico goesto getting water to Mexico City. Breathing the air for one day is the same thing assmoking a pack of cigarettes.

    That is how bad the air is. Chattanooga once the smog there was as bad as the smog in L. A. The smogwas from the coal power plants.

    In response they built a downtown park systemwith trees and the centerpiece of it is the worlds largest freshwater aquarium. The problems in Los Angles are the immigrant population will soon outnumber the American population. Once the scowls were top of the line but now theyGhana West Africa, some of the problems in Ghana are that the mortality rateis extremely high and having many children is considered good. The families with l0children over 7 years old are celebrated and thought very high of in the village.

    The main problem in Bangladesh is l60 million people living in an area the theof Wisconsin. Where that many people are living in such a small area there are willMexicos problem is that the people in the countries come to Mexico City inhope of a better life. Half of population is under l8 people dig through garbage andThe problems facing Chattanooga are smog from the coal power plants they soonrealized that what they were doing reacted and cleaned up the city. In the Los Angles the illegal immigrants are over crowding the schools theshould check green cards and people without them should be sent home. Here is onething I dont agree with, I a husband and wife come into the United States fromMexico illegally and the wife has a baby in the U.

    S. then the baby is a citizen ,this isnot right. parents should be U. S. citizens but there is not much you can do aboutthis it is in the United States Constitution and it would be hard to change.

    Ghana the birth rate is tremendous and half of the population is under l5. Oneway to solve the problem. One way to solve the problem I know is for the U. S. tocut all aid to that country let the people see that they are going to do something forthemselves and not rely on other countries for support. Bangladesh is faced with the same problem Ghana, girls l5 years of agealready have 2 children.

    Some people are trying to control births and educate theIn Mexico City they waste too much energy getting water to the capital andthe trash problems are bad they need to rethink their political system and try to moremoney to help with the problems within Mexico. Chattanooga right now doesnt have any problems right now. They cleanedup their act by getting rid of the coal plants and promotes the green leaf project andworks with the mountains and are saving 300 acres from being destroyed forBibliography:

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Essay On Population (575 words). (2019, Jan 28). Retrieved from

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