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    Ponyboy in The Outsiders, a Novel by S. E. Hinton

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    People all around the world know it is still good in the world. In S.E Hinton’s young adult/teen novel The Outsiders, Hinton shows that the main character Ponyboy Curtis is a greaser with a bad stereotype due to his peers. One thing he knows that there is still good in the world He knows this because after two of his best friends die he appreciates that he still has his other boys that have his back no matter what. He additionally has his two brothers that he never knew he could come so close with, and his personality by staying gold. Ponyboy faced something that nobody can imagine. This happened within less than even an hour of each othert His two best friends Dallas Winston and Johnny Cade both tragically died at the end of the novel. Ponyboy knows that their still good in the world because he realizes that ending your life isn’t worth itt But Dallas didn‘t feel the same; he took his own life because he loved Johnny, Ponyboy doesn’t want to die he knows he has to stay gold and never change.

    Darryl and SodaPop Curtis are two of the best brothers Ponyboy could ask for, even though it took a while for Ponyboy to realize it. Ponyboy, SodaPop and Barry all didn’t get along because of their parents death. But when Ponyboy has a problem towards the end of the book, Darryl and SodaPop are there for him by comforting him. Darryl is sort of like the father, bossy, but always looking out for his two younger brothers. SodaPop is just the typical middle, child can‘t seem to pick a brothers side, and not is very social. “Stay gold Ponyboy,,, stay gold,” Those were Johnny’s last words before he died Ponyboy loved Johnny and Johnny loved Ponyboy. Johnny Cade was a kid who surprised Ponyboyi When Ponyboy and Johnny were getting into a fight with the socs Johnny panicked and stabbed a soc.

    This all lead up to Johnny dying and Ponyboy had nobody to tell anything to, Johnny’s quote “Stay gold” is talking about how Johnny doesn’t want to Change. He doesn‘t want Ponyboy to become another Dallas Winston, a rough, tough mean greaser! Ponyboy knows there is still good in the world because after Johnny and Dally dies, he realizes that he still has the other people surrounding him, such as his friend No»bit who helps cheer him up “There’s still good in the worldu,” Ponyboy Curtis demonstrates that because after the death of his two best friends he still has his brothers SodaPop and Barry who mean the world to him, as well as his other friends that surround him and his loving personality of “Staying goldt”

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    Ponyboy in The Outsiders, a Novel by S. E. Hinton. (2022, Nov 30). Retrieved from

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