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    Poetry Explication “The Great Figure” Essay

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    With this poem I believe the meaning hero plays a big yet subtle role, especially as more off background to fire trucks and what they might represent. Though William may not necessarily make any relation to a hero itself, he does use certain structure and symbols that portray what a hero may represent. The Great Figure, was the smartly chosen title by William. But what exactly does it means, one may ask. As I pondered on different interpretations a couple stood out in my mind. The main point I thought the title was trying to come across was the legislation between The Great Figure and a savior of some sort, a hero even.

    When reading the poem after considering the title, I noticed the correlation between Fire trucks, firemen and how many people including myself consider firemen as heroes. For this reason I believe the title is quite fitting for the poem; however, there is another reason that I took into consideration. In mathematical terms fugue means number as well and one line that stood out is line 3 which said “l saw the fugue 5. ” Now the question is what the number 5 might mean, could it be the number of the ire truck or fire station or something more symbolic.

    I searched online for symbolic meaning of the number 5 and found that it “symbolizes human life. ” (Number Symbolism) if this is the case I believe both interpretation of the title seems quite fitting. Now as I finish interpreting the title, I now must face the poem, which in my Poetry Explicit By digitization Fig, 1 untitled 31 saw the figure 9 unheeded 10 Tu clangs The create figure Explication The Great Figure toes who symbolizes greatness Samaritan, and even fire fig With the intent to portraying I wheelie the meaning hero aground to fire trucks AR necessarily [make any relative symbols that portray what The Great Figure. As the means, one may ask. As I PC my Lind. The Ennui paint It relationship between The e reading the poem after con trucks, firemen and how m Far thus reason I believe the another reason that took II number as well ant one line the question is what TTY fire truck or fire station or s meaning to the number 5 a Symbolism) if this is ere case fitting. Nava as finish intern opinion was pleasing to explicate. It seems in every situation a hero is needed, there is a that precedes it. This setting could be visual or it can be line 1 and 2 “Among the rain/ and Lights. William does a the backdrop and the mood of the environment. These if emphasize the symbolism of the next 4 lines. In this dark start to develop in line 3, 4, 5 and 6. I saw the figure 5 In Gold On a red Firebrick The use of such vibrant and lively colors coupled with the on a fire truck provides a sign of life and even hope dour itself also symbolizes hope and portrays a hero for dark t color red is important as well, since red often symbolizes These are important traits that heroes often have. William in words to portray the theme of heroism, but also the of precision use of words and word count within every line.

    I first started to pay attention to the structure and the line during the middle of the poem. William started using wondered why that was. Then as I looked through the en noticed that the poem was very stretched out. The poem Williams way of mimicking the shape of a fire truck. This way to incorporate symbolism with more than Just the w poem stretched out, it was also more word heavy in the b only using single word lines in the middle. Interpreting t thinking. One day a fire truck passed by my neighborhood called the Doppler Effect.

    This is the effect one experience a fire truck or police car drive by. At first it starts off slow, towards me and then as it reaches me it passes by in an away it ends up leaving slower and slower. In the beginning uses multiple words in every line thus making it a little SSL transitions into single worded lines which speeds the pop the final few lines where he transitions back to multiple from slow, fast, slow really mimics the effect of a fire truck hero duties. Finally the poem comes to an end leaving on endearment about who or what needs saving. To gong clangs/ Siren howls” these 2 lines helps set u gives a sense of urgency and importance as the fire truck the dark streets of the city. This sense resembles that of wherever they are needed, without a care of the apparent Firemen can’t fear the danger that awaits them; they um whoever or whatever and that is what many admire in the lines “and wheels rumbling, through the dark city. ” This ends the poem the way I believe the writer felt at that ex truck race past him. It leaves readers curious and full of that lie ahead, awaiting the fire truck.

    This poem has shown a wide variety symbolism and structure that emphasizes on one central theme, hero. William Carols William, writer of The Great Figure which has turned out to be a much deeper and symbolic poem then one would imagine, especially being only 13 lines with 31 words. For being such a short poem, William strategically structures it and used words which helped portray a hero theme. He was able to stretch out his poem to resemble a fire truck, while using the amount of words per line to give movement. Even the title chosen and the number 5 chosen helped reinforce the hem of heroism.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Poetry Explication “The Great Figure” Essay. (2018, Jan 15). Retrieved from

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