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    Poetry Comparison – Rebellion Essay

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    The poet uses humor to crestless how young rebels act. This poem has fifteen stanzas, each with two lines. Just like any typical free verse poem, this poem does not have any rhyme at the end of each line, but the repetition used in each stanza gives the poem musical qualities. Each pair of stanzas is very contrasting as two opposite situations are presented. Enriching intellectual choice of opposite words such as, ‘long’ and ‘short’ help the reader compare stanzas. Inherit has cleverly conveyed the message of the poem through the last stanza: It Is very good that we eve rebels. You may not find it very good to be one.

    The meaning of this line is very direct and clear. Inherit clearly states that he agrees having rebels is good, but the life of being a rebel would be hard. This last stanza portrays how our society is. When someone acts differently from a major group, we say they are rebels. Inherit has cleverly reflected on our society with his poem by creating the mood of Irony and satire. The mood in this poem is achieved by Enriching thoughtful diction which reinforces the message of poem. Inherit effectively shows how behavior of young rebels is ironic in our society through the use of comparison of each pair of stanzas.

    Each stanza and every pair of stanzas compares the same subject. For example, in the first two stanzas the poet addresses: When everybody has short hair, The rebel lets his hair grow long. When everybody has long hair, The rebel cuts his hair short. These two stanzas clearly show that rebels grow their hair when everyone has short hair, and cut their hair when everyone has long hair. The message is strongly emphasized In every stanza, as It relates to how rebels act In this society. Inherit cleverly uses some poetic devices such as repetition and alliteration to purport the message of his poem.

    The poet efficiently uses repetition every stanza except the last one. The first line always starts with When everybody and the second line starts with ‘The rebel’ which emphasizes the point that rebels always do the opposite, which is very predictable, and again is associated with the message. In Wears’ to create the image of the rebel being the only one who is different from other people. Alliteration, the repetition of initial consonant sounds in two or more neighboring words or syllable, is also used in this poem. For instance, initial inconstant in this alliteration is ‘r’, ‘The rebel remarks’ and ‘The rebel regrets’.

    This ‘r’ sound creates a quiet aggressive and strong sound. The poet’s use of alliteration is very effective because it provides emphasis, and sometimes helps to memories the poem more easily. Repetition and alliteration in this poem bring the reader back to the theme, that rebels are Just the opposite of what everyone else is. It is very clear in the poem that people become rebel Just to be recognized by the world by doing the exact opposite. Enriching poem investigates an ironic behavior of adolescents, while ‘Fifteen’ by William Stafford examines the change of a boy into his adulthood, by showing that great danger comes with freedom.

    In both poems, the image of adolescents is contrasted. Stafford strongly suggests the theme of the poem by putting emotions in each stanzas, mapping out the path of manhood as a boy, who is fifteen, becomes a “good man. “. In this poem, the poet reveals emotion through the mood of poem and use of language techniques. The mood of ‘Fifteen’ changes in each stanza, as new scenes are introduced. In the first stanza, the boy finds a motorcycle, and the curiosity of a boy is clearly shown. The mood of allure and entice is shown throughout the second stanza as the boy is young and sees the beauty in something he wants.

    The third stanza portrays the mood of excitement and freedom: On the bridge we indulged a forward feeling, a tremble. I was fifteen. Stafford cleverly helps the reader to image the boys strong desire for the motorcycle. The last stanza, a turning point of this poem, the boy finds the owner of the motorcycle and helps ‘him walk to his machine’. The last line, ‘l stood there, fifteen’ reminds viewers that despite the fact he is called a ‘good man’, he is still only fifteen. Stafford use of strong language highlights the action of this poem.

    Vivid images are created through the use of describing words and phrases in ‘Fifteen’. The use of verbs in the first stanza, such as ‘running, ticking, helps to create images of boy with the motorcycle in each scene. The boy, in second stanza, treats this motorcycle as if it were a horse. Stafford shows this in the way he describes the motorcycle, ‘l led it gently to the road, and stay there with that companion, ready and friendly. ‘ The poet also uses affluence of describing phrases in stanza three and four, ‘indulged a award feeling, a tremble’, ‘roared away.

    Stafford effective use of descriptive language helps to build abundant imagery within the poem. Stafford uses some sound devices to help reinforce the theme of this poem. The varying lengths of lines make it sound more conversational. Stafford also uses a personal pronoun, ‘l’ as if he is telling a story to readers. Repetition of ‘l was fifteen’ at the end of each stanza clearly explains why the boy did everything in this poem. It manhood. The poet uses alliteration, the repeated use of the consonant’s’ at the start, South of the Bridge on Seventeenth’.

    Alliteration helps readers to remember the poem and adds musical qualities. Onomatopoeia, the formation of a word by imitation of a sound made by or associated with its referent, is used in the first and last stanza, ticking, and ‘roared’. Stafford has used onomatopoeia to create emotion in his poem. ‘Roared’ is mostly used for animals when they ‘roar’, which makes harsh sounds and ticking is the sound of the clock as time goes tick tock which is a simple and sharp sound. The poet’s use of sound devices make this poem more pleasant to hear.

    Thus, both Stafford and Inherit have used lucid imagery in their poems, ‘Fifteen’ and ‘The Rebel’ to facilitate readers a strong image in their minds. In the poem ‘The Rebel’, Inherit evokes the message that rebels are the minority who do the opposite of the majority, while Stafford has conveyed the transformation of a boy into his maturity. These two poems contrast greatly in their mood and theme despite the fact that they both have shared subject matter of adolescents. However, both poets have succeeded in distinguishing the different experiences and characteristics of teenagers.

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    Poetry Comparison – Rebellion Essay. (2018, Jan 09). Retrieved from

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