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    Poetry Book Essay

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    Table of Contents – Thoughts on poetry Page 2 – Similes Page 3 Page 4 – Metaphors Page 5 – Personification Page 6 -? Apostrophe – Hyperbole page 7 Page 8 – Onomatopoeia Page 9 – Internal rhyme Page 10 -? Imagery – Alliteration Page 11 – Autobiographical Poem page 12 page 13 – Acrostic poem – “This Is Just to Say’ Poem Page 14 page 15 – My Favorite Poet(s) My thoughts on poetry My favorite poems are Jawbreakers by Lewis Carroll and Knoxville Tennessee by Nikkei Giovanni. I like those poems the most because they are both different.

    Knoxville Tennessee is about the great things that summer can bring, like the things you love o do In the summer and the things you like to eat in the summer. I Like Jawbreakers also because it is fiction and not real story. In the poem Jawbreakers In think these nonsense words make this poem special and it is a really exciting poem. But I think you can learn something from that poem, and that is you can be afraid of something but you can always do It when you believe in yourself and when you are not afraid anymore but In this poem he killed the Jawbreakers and came home and now maybe he is the hero.

    And when you can do something you are afraid of when you can be a title hero because you are not afraid anymore. I think poems are sometimes better than books because you can read long poems and short poems but you can learn from both, but in one thing books and poems are equal they both tell a story even when it is a story that is not real they tell a story. Similes Willow and Gingko by Eve Merriam 1 OFF Fine-lined against the sky.

    Then ginkgo is like a crude sketch, Hardly worthy to be signed In this poem similes are needed because the Willow and the Gingko are compared and with out similes you couldn’t say: The willow is like an etching Fine- lined against the sky. And in this poem without similes you couldn’t describe how the willow and the gingko look, feel and smell. Metaphors Dreams Longs Hughes Life is a broken-winged bird That cannot fly. In this poem dreams by Longs Hughes life is compared to a broken winged bird. It describes that a life without dreams is like a bird without wings.

    And a bird needs wings to fly. My Favorite Poet My Favorite poet is Edgar Allan Poe, he was born January 19, 1809 in Boston, Massachusetts and died in October 7, 1849. He is my favorite poet because he doesn’t wrote normal poems he wrote fiction, gothic and stories that are sometimes Cary and sometimes creepy and scary. But he also wrote love stories like Amenable Lee. That’s what I like about Poe and I also like that he wrote some many different poems like a famous one “The Raven”. Autobiographical Poem I’m from soccer fields and snow on Christmas from a beautiful landscape and a big river.

    I’m from a sweet little town with fields and many cattle’s. I’m from a country where winters are cold and summers are hot. I’m from a karate team where I learned self-defense. I’m from a really great dad who taught me to ride the bike. I’m from skate-parks and a place where I had really nice rinds. I’m from traveling a lot and vacations in the Alps. I’m from homemade food that tastes better than everything. I’m from don’t remember my grandfathers and from having a dog who died of cancer. Acrostic Poem Any kinds of animals are great. In any way they like you when you treat them right.

    My dog was one of my best friends but now he is gone. All my family misses him but we have to except that he gone. Love we gave him and we had fun with him since his birth. So I hope you learned a lesson so treat you pets right and give them love. This is Just to say Poem By Julian Baling I heard something dropping. It was my mothers vase but she didn’t do it. Who did it Nobody knows The splinters were Everywhere Where was my Dog? He laded Dead there on The ground . Personification Because I could not stop for Death, He kindly stopped for me; The carriage held but Just ourselves And Immortality.

    In the poem I could not stop for death, death is being personified as a real person who someone can meet. Death is also personified as the woman’s date or friend who is taking her out for a ride in the carriage. Alliteration Birches by Robert Frost When I see birches bend from left and right In the sentence: When I see birches bend from left and right. Birches Ben is rhyming and the alliteration in this sentence, but it also gives the poem a little bit of differentiates from other poems with out rhyming or alliteration.

    Imagery By Robert Frost The woods are lovely, dark, and deep. In this poem stopping by woods on a snowy evening the speaker uses imagery to describes the woods, so that a person who doesn’t know how the woods look like can see them. After hearing the poem the person knows how the woods look like. Internal Rhyme Stopping by woods on a snowy evening By Robert Frost Whose woods these are I think I now. His house is in the village though In this poem the internal rhyme is used to make it sound not so like standard stories in books.

    It makes the reader think about, what the speaker meant or if he really would said that . Apostrophe else been a-climbing’ on, And reaching’ landing’s Apostrophes are in poems or in books needed because it is shorting the sentences and it is needed for long and colloquialisms poems that are maybe based on a real story. It gives the reader the feeling that maybe he could be in the poem or anybody else. Hyperbole Foul shot by Edwin A. Hooey And two seconds hanging on the clock When the poet Edwin A.

    Hooey wrote that there are only two seconds hanging on the wall he meant that in two seconds the game would end. And in this poem about the boy who has to make the shot, it makes the reader feel that he is live in the arena and can feel the stress of the boy. Because he has to make the shot that his team could win. Onomatopoeia The pied piper by Robert browning piper led out of the town. In the poem the pied piper are noises that you normally can’t hear because the poem is written, but with onomatopoeia is the writer writing words that you would hear when it is a movie or something you hear.

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    Poetry Book Essay. (2018, Jan 08). Retrieved from

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