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    Poetry and Robert Frost essay example

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    The theme of the poem is focused on roads hat they are traveling through life, and no matter which road people travel, humans may or may not be happy with the choices that they take in life. These choices can cause unhappiness and regret. This is a lesson that all of humanity endures at multiple times throughout life. Every decision is a choice about which road people would like to travel down. The setting of the poem is in the woods. The woods are described as a yellow wood that has grass and leaves.

    By the setting, one might think it is fall, as the leaves are turning color and are falling to the ground, based on Frost’s moment, “In leaves no step had trodden black (Frost, 2010, p. 610)”. Frost also states in the poem, “Because it was grassy and wanted wear” (Frost, 2010); that gig impression that one of the roads seems to be traveled more than the other is a true reflection of human nature also, as humans tend to make choices Poe easier and don’t look out far to the future. Humans pick the choice that see them right then and seems easier for the situation they are in, instead oft about the effects this can have on the future.

    The symbols in the poem are dads. This symbolizes the choices that people have to make in life. “And 10 down one as far as I could to where it bent in the undergrowth”. (Frost, 201 road that is less traveled symbolizes the choice that could be harder and m difficult than the road that is traveled on more. It makes it seem that the or be risky and far less appealing than the road that is traveled on more. But following line says, “l took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference”. (Frost, 2010) This is also true in life, as the most beneficial choc unmans make are the ones that they have to work the hardest for.

    The ITIL poem “The Road Not Taken” does have a significant meaning to the poem. Alone suggests lost opportunities due to a choice that was not taken. If the took the other road then, metaphorically, there would have been a lost pop because the other road was not taken. There could have been a different o Each choice a person makes has an outcome. Every action has a reaction. T chooses to take the one less traveled, which was actually more beneficial. If chooses to take the other road that was not taken, then he would have a did outcome.

    Overall, the title of the poem speaks of lost opportunities and the complexity of choices that people make. The poem was written with four SST Each of the stanzas has five lines with only two rhyming words in each Stan author uses visual imagery as a literary device in his poem. The first line in one states, “Two roads diverged in a yellow wood”, (Frost, 2010) and in stanza three the author states, “Because it was grassy and wanted wear” (Frost, 20 stanza three, line one he states “And both that morning equally lay’ (Frost, gives us a good visual description of the setting.

    The readers can imagine b the woods in the morning time during fall, when the leaves are turning cool visual description helps us in seeing the person travel, and can help us wit emotions the person is going through as they ponder which choice to pick. Conclusion, Robert Frost did an excellent Job in setting up the description o poem. The readers can tell the emotions of the poem and how difficult it ca when making a choice. When making a choice, sometimes the choice that s difficult or risky could actually be more beneficial to you in the long run, an be happier with that choice.

    Not everything in life is easy, and humans shoo make a decision based on how easy something can be. That could get us to immediate resolution which may not be the best decision for our future. References Kennedy, X. J. , Tioga, Dana (2010). Literature: An introduction to fiction, poet and writing. New York: Longing. In the poem, “Because it was grassy and wanted wear” (Frost, 2010); that gives you the impression that one of the roads seems to be traveled more than the other road. This is a true reflection of human nature also, as humans tend to make choices that seem easier and don’t look out far to the future.

    Humans pick the choice that seems to fit them right then and seems easier for the situation they are in, instead of thinking about the effects this can have on the future. The symbols in the poem are the two roads. This symbolizes the choices that people have to make in life. “And looked down one as far as I could to where it bent in the undergrowth”. (Frost, 2010) The road that is less traveled symbolizes the choice that could be harder and more difficult than the road that is traveled on more. It makes it seem that the road could e risky and far less appealing than the road that is traveled on more.

    But the following line says, “l took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference”. (Frost, 2010) This is also true in life, as the most beneficial choices humans make are the ones that they have to work the hardest for. The title of the poem “The Road Not Taken” does have a significant meaning to the poem. The title alone suggests lost opportunities due to a choice that was not taken. If the author took the other road then, metaphorically, there would have been a lost opportunity cause the other road was not taken.

    There could have been a different outcome. Each choice a person makes has an outcome. Every action has a reaction. The author chooses to take the one less traveled, which was actually more beneficial. If he chooses to take the other road that was not taken, then he would have a different complexity of choices that people make. The poem was written with four stanzas. Each of the stanzas has five lines with only two rhyming words in each stanza. The author uses visual imagery as a literary device in his poem.

    The first line in stanza en states, “Two roads diverged in a yellow wood”, (Frost, 2010) and in stanza two, line three the author states, “Because it was grassy and wanted wear” (Frost, 2010) and in stanza three, line one he states “And both that morning equally lay’ (Frost, 2010) This gives us a good visual description of the setting. The readers can imagine being in the woods in the morning time during fall, when the leaves are turning color. This visual description helps us in seeing the person travel, and can help us with the emotions the person is going through as they ponder which choice to pick.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Poetry and Robert Frost essay example. (2018, Jan 21). Retrieved from

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