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    William Shakespeare on Beauty Essay

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    William Shakespeare has a humorous view of the traditional ideas of beauty. The poem is a five duplex meter with the stressed sounds starting on the second word of each line. Each line has the same amount of stressed and unstressed patterns which Is very common for sonnets to make It quick and easy to read. The five duplex pattern never mimics human speech in the way a four duplex pattern does. The end of each alternating line has a distinct rhyming tatter which goes on throughout the poem.

    There Is also an assonance pattern with each of these words. The first line ‘My mistress’ eyes are nothing Like the sun’ shows the use of a simile the same as most of the last line ‘l think my love as rare as… ‘ More use of similes could have been made In the following lines. There Is an example of weak alliteration In line eleven ‘l grant I never saw a goddess go’ There Is a metaphor Inline four when he talks about his mistress’ hair, saying they are talk wires’. Its view today would be a completely different view from when the poem was written. In our modern time we think of electrical wires coming out of her head. Most of the poem gives negative connotations, the words ‘sun’, ‘red coral’, ; perfume’ and ‘music’ provide beautiful images. The denotations are her eyes do not shine like the bright sun, her breath ‘reeks’ unlike the smell of perfume and her voice is not pleasant to hear, unlike music.

    The second poem Philip Larrikin ‘The Trees’ is a twelve-line poem that seems to ampere the life of tree to human life. In each stanza the first and fourth line, the end word rhymes with one another along with the second and third last word also rhyming. There is a four duplex pattern with the stressed pattern on the second syllable of each line. Each of these words shows a clear assonance pattern with the words thresh’ and ‘afresh’ repeated three times when spoken aloud almost sound like the wind rustling through the leaves of the tree.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    William Shakespeare on Beauty Essay. (2018, Jan 07). Retrieved from

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