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    Pirates of Silicon Valley Summary

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    After watching the Pirates of Silicon Valley, I have learned lot of things. The movie was entertaining and interesting because it is about the history of computers and information technology itself, which I am pursuing for a career. I was also inclined with the cast because of their good portrayal of their characters. There were no dull moments in the movie. The time was well divided because it shows all there is to know about the Apple and the Microsoft Company. The story revolves on the humble beginnings of computers, particularly the beginnings of the Apple Computer Corporation established by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak and Microsoft Inc., established by Bill Gates and his colleagues. It also features company such as IBM and Xerox. The movie shows how the two companies became successful and how they compete against each other for success, but in the end, team-up together to make a better world of technology.

    I was amazed on how Steve Jobs and Bill Gates made their respective companies successful and productive to all people, but a bit disappointed on how they did it. Before being completely successful they have gone through many challenges, and they have committed many unethical doings. Apple copy ideas from Xerox, while Microsoft steal ideas from Apple. Basically, they steal ideas from others, that’s why it’s called pirates because of piracy. For Steve Jobs, IBM (the most successful computer company that time) is their competitor, but what he didn’t know is that Bill Gates who works for him and owns the Microsoft is the one who will trick him and steal from him. Steve was fired on the apple company because of the bad effects caused by his decision of dividing apple into two. In 1997 Steve Jobs returned to apple. The two companies team-up together and Microsoft now owns part of the Apple computer.

    After watching the movie, I have learned that success is very hard to attain, one must sacrifice a lot of things and sometimes step on other people to reach it. A person who is determined to reach success will do everything even if doing so would cause negative effects on other people. Too much power could change a person into something hideous, just like what happened to Steve Jobs, all the fame and power made him boastful and greedy. Bill Gates, on the otherhand, was so hungry for success that he did many wrong doings just like stealing and copying, and calling it his own just to reach the peak of success.

    A person should also be careful on whom he should trust because he will never know who would stub him in the back. Two is always better than one, behind the success of a person is another person, a person will never be successful without other people, so we should always be humble and kind towards others, because if we don’t they might back stubbed us.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Pirates of Silicon Valley Summary. (2017, Jun 22). Retrieved from

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