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    Physics Relevance Essay (312 words)

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    By emailprotectedOne aspect of physics in my life is gravity.

    Whenever I loose my balance, whether I’m on a bike, walking, or trying to stand on one leg, I willfall down. This is because every mass is attracted to every other mass, so my body is attracted to the earth, and the earth is attracted tomy body, only not as much, because my body has a much smaller mass than the earth. This is also why when I drop something; it fallsdown, instead of just floating there like it would in space. This is very important in my life, because if I am not careful or if I start ignoringthis aspect of physics I will fall, and end up with a bunch of bruises. This is also why when picking something up, or carrying something, Ihave to be careful not to drop it or break it.

    There is also a chance that gravity will cause something to fall on top of me, and that wouldhurt. This all may sound like a bad thing, but actually gravity has many good uses to, like with out gravity it would be very hard to find anything,because everything would just float away. It would also be a lot harder for people to get around, because cars wouldn’t be able to ride onthe ground. And we also wouldn’t be able to walk, we would have to bounce from one place to another, and there would probably be a lotof midair collisions because people would not be able to control themselves. But if you think about it, these problems would not even exist if there was no gravity, because that would be nothing holding earth aroundthe sun, so we would all freeze to death.

    The earth would also have no atmosphere, so we would not be able to breathe anything, and wewould all suffocate.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Physics Relevance Essay (312 words). (2019, Jan 11). Retrieved from

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