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    Personal Goals Paper Essay (702 words)

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    Furthering my education has been a personal goal I have strived to achieve. It was not until a few years after my high school graduation that I decided to attend college. So with the help of my life-partner, I decide to attend University of Phoenix, I know am on the right path to carry out my goal on becoming a store manager (training supervisor).

    I plan to achieve this goal through academics and work experience. My career goals involve being promoted with my company. Attending the University of Phoenix will help me pursue a foundation for my career and improve my own self-esteem. I also want to improve myself within the knowledge of the career that I am now choosing with Payless. Another goal is to help me feel more comfortable with future situations and give me the knowledge and confidence to work under demanding pressures of a store manager as well as everyday life. Other goals include focusing on developing ideas, study skills, recognizing strengths and weaknesses.

    Receiving my bachelors degree is not my final goal at the University of Phoenix; I am interested in a master degree in business management as well. Being able to explore my skills and training and being able to research the jobs that I am capable of is very important. I want to be a positive asset for my company, by developing communications skills. Having excellent communications skills is major part of succeeding in my job. Associates, as well as myself, have to communicate effectively to achieve overall goals as a team. I plan to achieve my communications skills by participating in team discussion, class discussion and reading the text to develop these skills.

    Managing my time is a goal I have always struggled with, mostly because of working long irregular hours. I plan to create a study schedule where I read the course material(s) for the class I am currently in. Then I wait for the following day before proceeding unto the written work. This give me time to allow the information to sink in.

    I will have a calendar in front of my computer desk that lists all my assignments and their due dates. This will ensure that I complete the assignments before they are due. By developing this schedule I wont stall and will allow me to make corrections on written assignments. I plan to develop my writing skills through formatting and editing and coming familiar with MLA and APA.

    My career goal of becoming a corporate manager will help me to develop strategies in determine the hiring process, and resolving conflicts. By attending the University of Phoenix will help gain the requirements my company seeks out in a top-level management position. Payless usually looks for a bachelor degree in their higher-level management associates with the skills to work as part of a team, being creative, and presentation skills. I plan to use the knowledge I have gained from the University of Phoenix and on the job training in order to accomplish my goal.

    My academics goals include receiving an A in all my classes. Even though I know it will not be easy I plan to achieve this goal by completing my assignments on time. By reading the required material prior to class, not missing any days of course and team meetings, and just focusing on the end result of graduating. In the business world there will always be many complex problems that will occur and I know that I will be prepared on how to best solve them. Being able to present ideas more clearly in my writing is very important, as well as to be able to develop more of my critical thinking process. Another goal in which I will achieve involves performing well on test and to increase my ability to work together as a team to complete the assignments.

    Another goal is to stay motivated, which I know will not always be easy, and understand how school will pay off financially in the end. Solving and analyzing problems such as training, and hiring employees is goal I plan to achieve. Overall I want to develop leadership skills to become an effective overall manager.These goals I .

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Personal Goals Paper Essay (702 words). (2019, Feb 15). Retrieved from

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