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    Peer Pressure in High School Essay

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    Ahhh Peer Pressure of High School. Glaring down at the reddish glow coming from the tip of the cigarette, Ive found my self in this peer pressure situation before. Peer Pressure can be a huge problem for some young adults. It can sometimes be positive, but most of the time its negative and destructive. Society offers many misleading advertisements that seem to lead teens in all the wrong directions.

    Television, music, and sports, have a huge cause of teen age peer pressure.

    Teenagers desire approval from their peers. Hints the name Peer pressure. As a teenager in todays world, I see that our lives are a constant product of peer pressure and that our minds are often swayed from what may be considered better judgment because of how those around us feel. Peer pressure can come from any and everywhere and in every aspect of our lives. Television, portrays images of violence and fantasy.

    Television is the glitz and glamour of peer pressure. Shows and stars tend to make the teens follow in there footsteps, wanting the life on TV, But usually end up going about it in the wrong way.

    The music world, is all about who has the most bling, and who can flaunt what they got. Music can set certain standards for what is “cool” and whats “in”, these standards can include clothes, jewelry, and a lot of the times smoking. Rap stars, in there music videos seem to portray sex, drugs, and alcohol. The pop stars have an image of flaunt it all, and seem to think the “sex sells” approach is the best bet.

    Both of these worlds are popular with the teen world. A lot of teens feel they need to look and act the part of these rap and pop stars.

    Sports is always demanding. You have certain image to maintain when you are and athlete. For sports you need energy and skills. Some teens who play sports think you need steroids to enhance your performance.

    Steroids can be introduced to teens by advertisements, friends and even coaches. Teens can be influenced by there teammates and by wanting to perform there very best for there families and friends. All of the high school leagues dont permit anything of the sort, but students will always do what they hear is best.

    Teens and younger children are the most prone to peer pressure because of the fear of not being accepted. My advice for teens dealing with peer pressure, is be true to yourself and strive for your individuality. The most important thing to remember is becoming a member of a peer group is one of the immediate effects of adolescent peer pressure.

    You decide whats “cool” and whats “in” not Television, not the music world, and not your teammates. When you can say “no, man im good” then your cool. .

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Peer Pressure in High School Essay. (2019, Feb 26). Retrieved from

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