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    Attack on Pearl Harbor Analysis

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    December 17, 1941, a date which will live in infamy the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the empire of Japan. – Franklin Deleanor Roosevelt At 7:53 AM, the aerial onslaught began with the second wave perpetuated at 8:55.

    A radiogram was sent from the Commander in Chief of the Pacific Fleet: Airraid on Pearl Harbor. This is no drill. Within two hours, the carnage had concluded leaving 2,403 people dead in the smoldering ruins. Almost two hundred planes and eight battleships also laid crippled in the channel.

    As horrific as the crime scene was, many people still ponder if it was actually a complete surprise. Evidence supports the fact that Roosevelt had been warned several times about Japans idea to attack the harbor. Many believe that he lured them in by anchoring most of the Pacific Fleet there. Franklin Deleanor Roosevelt was not a moral man, and he wanted to go to war. In addition, most of the ships left in Hawaii were old and outdated.

    Japan did us a favor by destroying our recycled garbage. Now this is where the plot thickens. Roosevelt did not particularly want to enter war with Japan; he wanted to fight with Germany. However, in his campaign promises he pledged not to send our soldiers overseas unless attacked.

    In order for Hitler to declare war on the United States, we had to appear beatable. Upon the destruction of our Pacific Fleet we appeared just that. We declared war on Japan and Germany declared war on us. Roosevelts plan ran like clockwork. Americans were irate about the terror in the tropics, and so Roosevelt got his war.

    In his speech Franklin said, No matter how long it may take us to overcome this premeditated invasion, the American people and their righteous might will win through to absolute victory. Our absolute victory came with Trumans thumbs up to drop the atomic bomb. Currently, some of the ships still lay visible along the Hawaiian coast. Only now, the moss and tree trunks tranquil green replaces the charcoal covered soot that many still tearfully remember. Pearl Harbor has come to be a national memorial.

    Emotions still run high, as patriotic citizens walk amongst the battleground. Separate tours are offered for Japanese paying their respects. Though they have no feelings of rage towards us we will always remember the character of the onslaught against us. I found this topic to be very interesting and informative. I find what happened at Pearl Harbor to be very sad and unfair, but it has brought us as nations closer together. This year will be the sixtieth anniversary of the bombing of Pearl Harbor.

    To commemorate all the men that died for their nation there is a movie coming out this summer. I think this movie would be a very educational program for everyone.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Attack on Pearl Harbor Analysis. (2019, May 12). Retrieved from

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