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    Pearl Harbor Bombing Essay (339 words)

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    RRRing, RRRing. Rings The phone. It was Seth Enslow. He was wanting to know if I wanted to go for a bike ride. Hello, I said as I picked up the phone.

    Hey its Seth. You want to go for a bike ride? questioned SethNo we better not. With all the rumors about the war and all. Oh what the heck.

    You only live once. I figured. Oh by the way my name is Ricky Carmichael and I live in Pearl Harbor. The war is still going on and there are rumors about being bombed. The date is December 6, 1941(according to Brad Emel).

    Seth and I are going to go down to the docks next to the government facility. So there we were. We were having a good time riding around. Then we saw a government official talking to a guard. They were talking about the bomb rumors. Fall in, Guard, commanded the official.

    What did you hear about the bomb rumors? He asked. The Japanese are crazy enough. I just dont think they have the guts to do it. Explained the guard. Why do you say that? Questioned the official.

    The Japanese want to gain control of the Pacific ocean. (according to Brad Emel said the guard. Well Im getting tired lets go back, piped out Seth. Yeah lets go, I replied. So we went home and went to bed after a long day.

    The next day when we woke up we heard a big banging sound. Bang, crash, crunch, and other horrible sounds as we looked out the window. Its 8:12am(according to the internet)on Sunday and there are people running everywhere. I look over towards the Harbor and see a horrifying sight.

    The ship Arizona is cracking and burning to bits. All of the people around were screaming and yelling run, run they arent done yet. Until I hear a buzzing sound. I look up in the sky I see a black dot in the sky. Its getting bigger and bigger until.

    Boom it explodes. .

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Pearl Harbor Bombing Essay (339 words). (2019, Mar 16). Retrieved from

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