The digestive system consists primarily of the alimentary canal, a tube that extends from the mouth to the rectum. As food moves through this canal, it is ground and mixed with various digestive juices. Most of these juices contain digestive enzymes, chemicals that speed up reactions involved in the breakdown of food.
The stomach and the small intestines, which are parts of the alimentary canal, each produce 3 digestive juice. Other digestive juices empty into the alimentary canal from the salivary glands, gall bladder, and pancreas. These organs are also part Of the digestive system.
Part 1 Location of the parts that are in the Digestive System Part 2 Parroted salivary gland- above oral area Oral cavity- the mouth area Tongue- Oral cavity Teeth – Oral cavity Subliminal and submariner salivary gland-Oral cavity Pharynx- Throat Stomach- Left side above the pancreas Liver-Right side next to stomach Pancreas-Left side below stomach Gall bladder- Right side below liver Duodenum-Right side under the Liver Large intestine-ascending, transverse, descending, below stomach Jejunum-small intestine, below stomach under large intestine Rectum-lower back buttock area HOW Will remember the location s: Will divide body into quadrants and memorize by sections Part 3 Mouth- Mechanical Digestion Throat=propulsion Stomach-Chemical Digestion and Propulsion Intestines= Propulsion and absorption Part 4 Mechanism Propulsion- the movement of food through the alimentary canal starting from the mouth to the anus.
Peristalsis) The rippling motion of muscles in the digestive tract In the stomach, this motion mixes food with gastric juices, timing t into a thin liquid. Absorption= the penetration of a substance within the inner structure of another. Chemical digestion= the process in which chemicals in the body separate large food molecules into smaller ones so they can pass through the wall of the intestine. Mechanical digestion= Mechanical digestion is when food is physically broken down.
An example can be when you chew your food. Your food is turned into small pieces, which makes it easier for enzymes to chemically break them down into nutrients for your body.