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    Painting Music By Philip Evergood Essay

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    The Painting Music by Philip Evergood is most definitely one of my all-time favorite paintings. The painting has so many rich colors and lively shapes. It literally makes you feel as though you were sitting either in the same room as the people in the painting or possibly even playing music along with them. I think that what Philip Evergood was trying to accomplish with this painting was a feeling of unity through music and I believe that he did an outstanding job of showing this. He made a great effort to show the diversity in his subjects. He shows old men, young men, black men, white men, old women, young women white women, and black women. He uses his theme of music to show incredible unification.

    One other thing that I especially liked about the painting was the fact that you could almost feel the type of music being played in this modest room. You actually get a feel for the time period and just by being able to see the detail in the individuals clothing and expressions on there face there is something here that screams jazz. In further research I found that Evergood was indeed a jazz fan and the time period 1933- 1959 does indeed make it a possibility that jazz was the music that these individuals were playing.

    I especially like how Evergood incorporated so many different instruments in his work. Yet another link to jazz in my opinion. He has an insane amalgamation of horns and brass and drums and violins. He has not only portrayed the diversity of music and people but he has shown the unity in music and I think that this was his main theme and I believe that it could not have been executed more beautifully by any other artist at any other time.

    From the theme of unity and his ability to express it so well to his actual painting technique I believe that Evergood has accomplished something that so many artists reach for. He has given his painting life. He has shown that there is a direct meaning behind themes in his painting. Themes that are not so much hidden but more or less right in your face, ready to be taken in. The faces of each of his characters are wonderfully detailed to the point that you can almost tell what it is that each person is feeling.

    I will definitely be looking for more works done by Philip Evergood because of his warm inviting colors and curves that he puts in his work. He is truly a master at bringing subjects to life. I absolutely love this painting and I feel that he has portrayed his intentions beautifully through his work.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Painting Music By Philip Evergood Essay. (2018, May 15). Retrieved from

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